Tuesday 7 February 2017

10 Major Defects a Fetus Can Have When Pregnant Mom Uses Marijuana

By Bindu Jacob

If an expectant mother smokes marijuana, she could harm the health of the fetus, researchers say.

Some states are pushing for the legalization of using marijuana due to medical purposes, but researchers have said using the substance is harmful to the human body, especially the fetus.

When an expectant mother takes marijuana, it can harm the fetus. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, can cross the placenta and access the fetus. It affects brain development, birth weight, and can cause cognitive impairment.
THC can also stay present in breast milk; it helps the infant to receive directly from the mother, the New York Times reports.
There is an increasing the number of cannabis users by pregnant women in the false perception that there are no harmful effects to it, Dr. Torri Metz, from Denver Health Medical Center says.

But contrary to what the pregnant moms think, marijuana can be harmful to the fetus and can reduce the its weight. The child can be born with a low birth weight. Increasing level of cannabis consumption may lead to the premature birth of the baby.

It can reduce the head circumference of the baby along with small length. Fetuses who were exposed to Cannabis may not be born with birth defects but may increase the risk after their birth. THC harms baby's brain development, and will lead to multiple reactions to visual stimuli.

Children show Marijuana withdrawal symptoms after the birth; it includes being easily startled, having problems during feeding, sensitivity to sound and touch. The baby would show marijuana withdrawal symptoms within the first 10 days after his or her birth. Marijuana exposed fetuses will also have problems with their memory when they grow up. These children will also struggle with concentration and show less problem-solving skills, Health Line reports.

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