Friday 24 February 2017

Marijuana being used to treat Opioid addiction

by J. Longa

HOUSTON-- How many times have you heard that marijuana is a gateway drug?

Well, there's a new trend in Neuroscience!

According to the study, states where marijuana is legal reported less opioid use and fewer prescriptions for those types of painkillers.

The study also reports that not only is cannabis unlikely to lead to harder drug use, weed can actually be useful in the treatment of opioid addiction.This means that opioid overdoses have gone down all together.

So, let's break it down!

The smart guys doing the research claim one particular component of the sticky-icky known as Cannibidiol or CBD, shows the most promise in treating opioid addiction with minimal side effects.

Great news for the more than 90 Americans who die from overdosing everyday.

Of course there is one other option, don’t do any drugs!

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