Friday 8 July 2016

Adult Use of Marijuana Act will increase public safety


Last week, the secretary of state announced that the Adult Use of Marijuana Act will qualify for the November ballot. I spent over 20 years as a police officer, so I know how important it is to bring clarity to our marijuana laws. Law enforcement associations opposed to the measure continue to be on the wrong side of public opinion, citing mistaken concerns about motorist safety and the illegal market.

Since 1996 and the passage of Proposition 215, which legalized medicial marijuana, our roadways have seen a decrease in the fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled from 1.32 to .92. These accident rates continue to be lower than the national average including states where marijuana is only available in the illicit market. This is despite law enforcement’s characterization of California as having “de-facto marijuana legalization.”

It’s clear that no one should drive while impaired, whether the substance is legal or not, and we should hold those that do accountable. But in the discussion of this important issue, experts such as AAA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration both conclude that THC blood concentration limits are scientifically flawed as marijuana is metabolized differently than alcohol.

Unlike the presence of alcohol in blood, THC and its metabolite carboxy THC may be present in subjects for days or even weeks following consumption.

Police opposition to legalization fails to mention that NHTSA and AAA stated the best enforcement strategy for detecting drivers who are impaired is enhanced training that includes a positive marijuana test coupled with behavioral and physiological evidence of impairment, not just a presumptive test. California police already utilize nationally recognized training and best practices designed to detect roadside impairment like this.

Those concerned about the impacts on communities spread the message that marijuana use by our children will increase. Kids are safer when marijuana is legal, regulated and controlled. By putting sales behind the counter and reducing contact to street dealers, fewer kids can access marijuana and other drugs. The greatest harm that young people encounter when they come into contact with marijuana arises while accessing the underground market and being exposed to criminal activity of all kinds.

Despite marijuana being decriminalized, medically available or legalized in much of the country, teen marijuana use is actually declining nationwide. A new study from the Washington University School of Medicine examined over 216,000 12 to 17-year-olds over a 12 year time span and found that marijuana abuse and related issues, such as trouble in school and relationships, declined by 24 percent across the U.S. Improving our marijuana laws has not caused our children to become marijuana monsters, no matter what prohibitionists tell you.

Law enforcement concerns for public safety are best served through the control and regulation of the illicit market. Many years of research show that prohibition is what causes violence in our communities. Through reasonable regulatory measures, we can address many of the harms caused by prohibition. And rather than spending limited criminal justice resources on marijuana enforcement, we can more effectively design both public health and public safety strategies that reduce substance abuse while focusing our energy on more serious crimes.

There is no such thing as a drug-free society. The role of law enforcement should be to support reducing the harms of drugs and violence based on empirical research and best practices. We should not be supporting failed drug policies that have done nothing to reduce the availability of illicit drugs in our communities. I believe the Adult Use of Marijuana Act is the best chance for California to end a failed war on marijuana by creating a new system of regulation and control that will help to greatly reduce public health and public safety risks for all Californians.

Diane Goldstein is a 21-year veteran of law enforcement who served as the first female lieutenant for the Redondo Beach Police Department. She is a speaker and Executive Board Member for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, a group of law enforcement officials opposed to the war on drugs.

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