For Sterling Middle School eighth grader Jaden Newson, the results of a recent survey conducted by the drug abuse prevention organization Rise Above Colorado were somewhat surprising.

Newson is a member of Rise Above Colorado's statewide Teen Action Council, which works with the organization to further empower young adults in their fight against drug abuse. She was encouraged by her teacher to join the council after Rise Above Colorado visited SMS when she was in sixth grade. Following an application and interview process she was invited to represent northeastern Colorado on the council.

"It's a great group of teens," Newton said, explaining the council serves as the teen voice in their community around the issues of substance abuse and addiction, creating a "safe space" for themselves and others to talk about what teens can do to rise above drug use.

For Rise Above Colorado's 2016 survey, a follow-up to a 2013 survey, approximately 607 Colorado teenagers were questioned by telephone or online between March 17 and May 1, 2016. Of the 607 total teens interviewed, 81 came from northeastern Colorado.

Results show teen usage of most substances — marijuana, prescription painkillers and stimulants, meth and heroin — remained stable in 2016, despite the legalization of marijuana in Colorado in 2012 and increased pressures facing teens.

Statewide the only significant increase since 2013 was seen in teen use of alcohol; approximately 46 percent of teens surveyed reported using alcohol, compared to 33 percent in 2013. Marijuana use decreased slightly from 16 to 15 percent, and there were slight increases in the use of prescription painkiller, prescription stimulants and meth.

What was particularly surprising about the results for Newson is they show teens are experimenting with drugs at younger ages, with a significant increase in the percentage of 12 year olds using drugs.

Approximately 29 percent of 12-year-old survey respondents reported using alcohol compared to 10 percent in 2013, and 9 percent reported using marijuana, 6 percent reported using stimulants, 3 percent reported using pain relievers and 4 percent reported using meth, compared to zero percent for all of those areas in 2013.

"Never in my mind would I think 12 year olds are doing it. That's so young; they have such a long road ahead of them," Newson said, noting she was surprised they even knew what some of the drugs were.

Along with increase in younger teens using these substances, these pre-teens also reported increased access, including direct offers from others to use drugs.

Notably, teens' mental health is a big factor in usage and attitudes toward drugs. The survey results show teens who are experiencing mental health challenges are more likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol. For example, teens with six or more difficult days per month used alcohol and marijuana at twice the rate of their peers who reported no difficult days and were twice as likely to feel that "experimenting with drugs is simply part of being a teenager and not a big deal."

The survey results also show that more teens overestimated their peers' usage of all substances and teens' perception of parental acceptance of occasional drug use increased, with more teens believing that their "parents would be find with (them) smoking marijuana once in a while."

Ultimately the survey found that overall drug usage rates among Colorado teens held steady despite decreased perceptions of risk and increased accessibility and curiosity. Stable usage is a positive testament to the overall healthy choices Colorado youth are making, despite increased access and curiosity; however, drug prevention education and access to mental health services remain priorities and are needed at much younger ages, states a press release from Rise Above Colorado.

Newson said she feels the results are reflective of what teens are experiencing. She noted there is daily talk in middle school about different drugs and students are aren't drug users, she said there is still that segment of students who think that it's cool to do drugs.

When asked what could be done to better help teens stay off drugs, Newson said she feels students, starting at the upper elementary level, need an opportunity in a smaller classroom setting to talk about what the different drugs are, what they do and what happens to people who use those drugs.

"If we were taught ways to avoid peer pressure and to stand up for ourselves, I think the number of tweens trying drugs would be lower," Newson said. "If my class was taught all the facts about drugs and ways to avoid being pressured into something, we could be better role models for younger students, especially those struggling with confidence and unaware of all of the effects."

She pointed out that as she gets ready to enter high school, there is significant pressure to be liked by the upperclassman, so that they'll befriend her. Thus, being able to know how to withstand the pressure to do the "cool things," which aren't always right, is critical.

"We need to be taught the confidence to say no, to rise above peer pressure," Newson said.
She also believes it's important to have a good support system and to befriend those who are struggling. One of the biggest things Newson has learned while being on the Teen Action Council is to be a friend.

"Before I thought if you did drugs, you're a bad person, you're icky. But I've learned it's okay to make mistakes you just need to learn to be a friend to someone who's struggling, learn to be okay with different kinds of people," she said.