Monday 24 August 2015

US Government Says Marijuana Can Be Used For Cancer Cells Treatment

by Steven Goodstein 
Cancer is one of the highly talked about the killer disease globally. Global health estimates indicate that it takes away 20,000lives daily. However, according to the latest study by Marijuana Scientists from the National Cancer Institute (US Department of Health), there is some hope to take home to the Cancer patients.

Sequences of laboratory tests and theories have revealed that cannabinoids which is the active ingredients in cannabis can be beneficial in the treatment of cancer symptoms.
Apparently, NIH has always known that Marijuana can be effective at killing cancer cells besides having an idea how it works. 

The common weed has for the longest time possible been classified together with heroin. Propaganda portrayed the two as dangerous drugs a move that was meant to satisfying law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and federal level.
Other highly beneficial medicinal uses of marijuana, as reported by the U.S. Department of Health, include relieving muscle spasms in multiple sclerosis sufferers. 

Studies in mice and rats have shown that Marijuana also prevents the development of blood vessels that cause the growth of tumors.
The chemical ingredients were also found to work well in fighting colon, liver and breast cancers. 

Samples of breast cancer cells were used to report that the use of cannabidiol reduced the cancerous cells and were also less aggressive in the way they spread. Besides, it helps in boosting the effectiveness of chemotherapy. Delta-9-THC in mouse models also revealed that the chemical had antitumor effects.

Nevertheless, despite all the revelations and the discovery, Cancer Research says that this cannot be treated as critical evidence that cannabis can be used for cancer treatment.
The federal government has been reported to fight back Marijuana legalization debate. 

However, the latest discovery may revive back the nationwide debate that would in return lead to the legalization of marijuana.
Many more states have had Marijuana legalized while many others are fighting for the same. It is not clear how the federal government will wade off the heightening campaign.

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