Thursday 20 August 2015

Doctors, commissioner approve new ailment for medical marijuana program

A panel of doctors voted to add Complex Regional Pain Syndrome to the state’s medical marijuana program in August 2015.Click though to find out what conditions qualify for medical marijuana in Connecticut.More information Photo: Matilde Campodonico, AP
A panel of doctors voted to add Complex Regional Pain Syndrome to the state’s medical marijuana program in August 2015.
Complex regional pain syndrome, which is diagnosed in about 50,000 people nationally each year, is often triggered by a cascading effect from minor sprains or fractures of limbs.

It ill be added to the half-dozen other ailments that will be part of a proposal for revised regulations for the original 11 diseases that were in the 2012 medical marijuana law.
Harris, after the 45-minute meeting, said he expects the new diseases to come before the General Assembly’s Regulations Review Committee in the first quarter of 2016. The physicians’ board, which makes recommendations to Harris, delayed a vote on the matter earlier in the month, after a public hearing where those afflicted with the pain syndrome said any possible relief would make it worth using medical marijuana.

Michele DiPietro, 24, of Farmington, who testified at the earlier hearing, said after Wednesday’s meeting that she is pleased with the board’s unanimous vote and Harris’ quick recommendation for approval. She said that too many physicians have been reluctant to endorse patients for inclusion in the state’s medical marijuana program, for which more than 4,900 have enrolled.

“I’ve been fighting the pain and also fighting the doctors who don’t get it,” said DiPietro, whose six-grade ankle injury in a soccer game progressivly became complex regional pain, also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy. She takes drugs for pain, depression and nausea. “This is only one step toward a little freedom.”
Dr. Jonathan Kost, who specializes in pain management, said symptoms include temperature abnormalities, swelling, hyper-sensitive skin and changes in skin, hair and nail beds as well as a loss of bone minerals, in addition to constant full-body pain.

He downplayed the overall benefits that might result from marijuana use, but stressed it can be a tool in managing symptoms and can have “significant benefits” for helping patients fight anxiety, get to sleep and become less dependent on opioids.
Dr. Vincent Carlesi, another pain expert who serves on the board, said the suicide rate among pain-syndrome patients is two-to-three times above normal.

“That is higher than any other kind of painful condition we deal with on a regular basis,” Carlesi said, noting that marijuana is still very new to medicine. “It’s a brew of different chemicals that we are still learning about,” he said.
The meeting, held in the State Office Building, was led by Harris. Three of the physicians participated in a conference call. Kost was the only doctor present.

In January, the board approved patients with sickle cell disease, arthritic psoriasis and a type of failed back surgery, to join the 11-disease program. In April, the board voted to add amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and ulcerative colitis.
Harris recommended adding Fabry Disease to the list after the board deadlocked 2-2.
Currently, only patients who have been certified to have cancer, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal injuries, epilepsy, cachexia, wasting syndrome, Crohn’s disease and post-traumatic stress disorder are allowed to participate.

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