Friday, 12 June 2015

Medical Marijuana Is Legal In Canada

The Canadian Supreme Court has declared all forms of medical marijuana to be legal. This means not only dried forms of medical marijuana but you may also have it in cookies and tea if you so choose. Since 2009 a case has been debated where a baker by the name of Owen Smith was arrested for baking marijuana cookies. Smith a baker for the Cannabis Buyers Club of Canada was arrested for baking 200 cookies, but was later acquitted of the charges. The judge in the case gave the government a year to get its laws in order concerning medical marijuana.

The case would be eventually sent to the Supreme Court. The decision to allow all forms of medical marijuana should have been an easy one but it took some time for the Court to decide.
This means that those who suffer from epileptic seizures can now drink a tea or oil form of medical marijuana rather than just smoking it. What is truly sad is that the government was in actuality forcing children to smoke marijuana rather than just drink it.

Medical Marijuana has in recent years been seen as an alternative to pills, that in most cases didn't work. In the United States there are now even states where you can buy recreational marijuana. Some 24 states now have a form of medical marijuana that is helping those who suffer from nausea due to chemotherapy or AIDS. There are those who suffer from glaucoma who receive the benefits of medical marijuana.

Will this decision by the Canadian Supreme Court influence the United States Government to finally accept the benefits of medical marijuana? Only time will tell. There has been discussion in Congress about the benefits of medical marijuana but no decision on a national level. So far it has been the individual states who have stepped up to discuss medical marijuana.

It is very possible that in the 2016 presidential election more states will legalize a form of medical marijuana. It may even go as far as some states may even legalize recreational marijuana. What's known is that sooner or later marijuana will be legalized nationally. We just don't know when. For information on the status of the legalization of medical marijuana in the State of Florida please go to and United For Care.

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