Monday 23 January 2017

National Drug Facts Week: Dispel Myths with Facts

Kiowa County Press

About a third of high school seniors report using an illicit drug sometime in the past year. More than five percent report nonmedical use of potentially addictive prescription painkillers.  More than twenty percent report smoking marijuana and thirty-five percent admit to using alcohol in the past month.

Many teens are not aware of the risks to their health, to their success in school and the dangers while driving under the influence.  When teens are given the scientific facts about drugs, they can be better prepared to make good decisions for themselves and they can share this information with others.

The Fifth Annual National Institute on Drug Abuse National Drug Facts Week takes place from January 23-29, 2017 and is the perfect opportunity to learn more and help shatter the myths about drug use for teens.

A drug is any chemical substance that can change how your body and mind work. Drugs of abuse are substances that people use to get high and change how they feel. They may be illegal drugs like pot, cocaine, or heroin. Or they may be legal for adults only, like alcohol and tobacco.

Medicines that treat illness can also become drugs of abuse when people take them to get high not because they're sick and following their doctor's orders. People can even abuse cough or cold medicines from the store if they ignore the directions and take too much at one time.

People Abuse Drugs for Many Reasons
  • They want to feel good. Taking a drug can feel really good for a short time. People keep taking them to have those good feelings again and again. But even though someone may take more and more of a drug, the good feelings don't last. Soon the person is taking the drug just to keep from feeling bad.
  • They want to stop feeling bad.  Some people who feel very worried, afraid or sad abuse drugs to try to stop feeling so awful. This doesn't really help their problems and can lead to addiction, which can make them feel much worse.
  • They want to do well in school or at work.   Some people who want to get good grades, get a better job, or earn more money might think drugs will give them more energy, keep them awake, or make them think faster. But it usually doesn't work, may put their health at risk, and may lead to addiction.
Wondering how you can Take Part in NDFW?
There are plenty of ways to get involved:
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