Monday, 13 November 2017

New research links marijuana use to testicular cancer

Matt Fetinko

A study by Northern Medical Program finds the use of marijuana can make it 2.5 times more likely to develop testicular cancer.

The study followed men conscripted for military service in Sweden in 1969 and 1970, and tracked their health conditions over 42 years.

Research from the study shows heavy cannabis use, which is described as more than 50 times in you life, was factored into a 2.5-fold increased risk of testicular cancer development.

“At this time, surprisingly little is known about the impacts of cannabis on the development of cancer in humans,” says Dr. Russ Callaghan, the lead scientist for the study.

Results from the experiment show cannabis use may facilitate later onset of testicular cancer.

The Canadian Government is expected to have recreational marijuana use legal in July 2018, which Dr. Callaghan says makes the data from the survey even more significant.

“One of the reasons why I’ve taken this line of research is to provide the public and policy makers with some information about the potential harms associated with cannabis use.”

Dr. Callaghan says he is working on some other studies to further understand the health effects of marijuana use.

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