Tuesday 21 June 2016

Microsoft Helps Marijuana Magnates Make Money

By Anthony Cerullo

Microsoft Helps Marijuana Magnates Make Money Clapway

The stoic, bleak Windows  businessman has always been a stark contrast to the free loving, laid back marijuana smoker but now, the two cultures are teaming up. Microsoft Corp. has made a deal with a small company that makes “seed to sale” tracking software. A deal that may turn out to be bigger than anyone thought.


KIND’s Agrisoft Seed to Sale for Government software is designed to allow governments monitor all aspects of marijuana consent included plant management, transactions, and financial reporting.

The software will run on Microsoft’s Azure Government cloud platform and be used in states where marijuana sales for medical or recreational use are legal. Marijuana use is already legal in Microsoft’s home state of Washington. With California likely to follow suit, the company is wise to get in with KIND, who call the Golden State, home.


It should not come as a surprise that California has a long and healthy relationship with marijuana. As the epicenter of the beat movement of the 1950’s and 1960’s, the drug has always played an important part in Californian culture.

Which is why it comes as a surprise to many that it’s still not legal in the state for recreational use. States like Colorado, Washington and Oregon have all shown massive profits from passing the law so it’s only a matter of time before California joins the ranks. When they do, Microsoft will be in prime position to reap the benefits.


Continuing with the agriculture lingo, Microsoft sees California as fertile ground for growth. It’s the most populous state in the U.S and one of the largest economies in the world. When millions of Californians suddenly have their hard earned money to spend on legal cannabis, the profits will be hard to keep track of.

With KIND Financial and software giant teaming up before the law passes, they are setting themselves up in prime position to capitalize on said profits. Say what you will about the company forcing down their mediocre operating system upon their users, but it seems they know where the money is at.

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