Sunday 27 December 2015

For the First Time in History, High School Kids Are Choosing Pot Over Tobacco

A new federal survey shows that kids are refusing to buy into the 'reefer madness' propaganda.

Photo Credit: underworld/Shutterstock
Worldwide, tobacco use causes nearly 6 million deaths per year, and current trends show that tobacco use will cause more than 8 million deaths annually by 2030. Cigarette smoke is the leading cause of preventable death in the world. Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States alone. Cigarette smoking is completely legal.

There has never been a single recorded death related to the overdose of marijuana, yet SWAT teams will kick in doors, shoot dogs, kidnap and cage people over marijuana.

In spite of the tyrannical, immoral, and deadly laws against marijuana, and the almost century-long propaganda campaign spewing lies to kids about the plant’s effects, teenagers are finally getting it.

For decades, high school children have given in to the pro-tobacco/anti-pot crusade of deception and have taken up the deadly habit of smoking cigarettes. However, for the first time in recorded history, high school students are choosing cannabis over Camels.

According to “Monitoring the Future,” a federal survey released on Wednesday, more students in the 12th grade said they smoked pot every day, compared to those who smoke daily cigarettes.

Obviously, no one is advocating that high school children use marijuana. However, this transformation in preference is indicative of a positive shift in the drug war paradigm. Also, only 6% of 12th graders admitted to using marijuana on a regular basis – hardly a majority. However, this surpasses the 5.5% (down from 6.7% in 2014) of children who said they smoked cigarettes.

In spite of the fear tactics shoved down their throats by SWAT teams in public service appearances in high school gyms across the nation, the survey also showed that kids aren’t buying the bull.

Fewer students than ever believe the state’s lies about marijuana being dangerous. According to a report in Time Magazine:
Almost 32% of seniors said they thought regular marijuana use could be harmful, compared to 36% who felt that way last year. “The sense that marijuana has medicinal purposes and that doctors are prescribing it creates a sense that this drug cannot be so harmful,” says Dr. Nora D. Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health (the group that funded the research).
Also, despite fewer high school kids not fearing marijuana, the plant’s usage among teens hasn’t changed.
“All of those factors have led many to predict that there would be an increase in the pattern of use of marijuana among teenagers, and we are not seeing it,” Volkow said.

While children are breaking free from their state conditioning telling them to fear a beneficial plant, the survey found that students are declining to use drugs that are actually dangerous.
In each of the grades, it noted declining usage rates for cigarettes, alcohol, prescription opioid pain relievers, synthetic marijuana and heroin (which hit a record low at 0.3% for 8th graders and 0.5% for 10th and 12th graders.) “These two findings were very surprising,” says Volkow. Experts were worried that since prescription opioids and heroin use have gotten more popular nationally, they might see the same trends in teens.
The findings of this survey shine a light on the collapse of the state’s immoral war on drugs. Despite their best efforts to fill the heads of American children with lies and fear about marijuana, children are resisting by informing themselves.

While this news is certainly noteworthy and optimistic, it also highlights how much further we have to go to beat this leviathan.

In 46 states, police officers will still kidnap, cage, and kill people for attempting to purchase or possess marijuana. In over half of the country, children are denied the life-saving effects of cannabis because their parents could be thrown in a cage, or killed for giving it to them.

Students changing their minds about marijuana is outstanding, now it’s time for the country, nay, the world to change their minds about depriving humans of their freedom for using it.

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