Friday 25 October 2019

5 myths surrounding substance addiction busted

People who don’t fully understand addiction are often seen giving advice that is of no help. These well-meaning advices make it hard to differentiate between facts and lies.

By: Paras Hemrajani

cocaine addiction
Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant. © Shutterstock
Marijuana and acid misuse has assumed epidemic proportions in India today. This has created an adverse public health problem in the country. According to a report released by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, in India, approximately 72 lakh individuals require assistance for their cannabis misuse. If you are one of those people or know someone who is struggling with addiction, then you must have heard a lot of advice from people who don’t fully understand the curse of addiction. As noble as their intentions maybe, these people are only spreading myths and misconceptions. Misconceptions make it hard to understand what a person is going through and reduces the chances of someone else offering a more supportive assistance to those in need. Here are some of the common myths and misconceptions about substance abuse issues.
Myth 1: Prescription drugs are safe
Fact: Just because a drug is prescribed by a doctor, does not mean it is safe. These drugs are highly addictive and dangerous when abused. It is important to remember that the doctor is not just prescribing the medicine. He/she has also prescribing the dosage in which you have to take the drugs.

Myth 2: Regular detox reduces the effect
Fact: It is great if you regularly detox your system and get all the toxic substances out of your body. But that doesn’t make you healthy. Staying sober is the main challenge. The detox process is an uncomfortable process because of the withdrawal symptoms, but it is just the first step.

Myth 3: Relapse is not the end
Fact: Addiction is a normal human condition. It does not mean that you don’t have enough will power to succeed. Relapse is a normal and expected part of the recovery process. It does not indicate failure. Relapse is just a sign that your medication and treatment method needs to be changed.

Myth 4: Relapse proves that addiction treatment doesn’t work
Fact: If one treatment method failed it mean others will too. Discuss with your doctor about the other treatment options that you can try. You can learn from your failure and determine which programme is best for you.

Myth 5: You have to hit rock bottom to seek treatment
Fact : Substance abuse treatments are not only for patients who have hit rock bottom, if you feel like you are getting addicted to drugs, you can also join the programme. You don’t have to wait for the drugs to completely take over your body. Pressure from family, peers, as well as personal identification, are powerful factors to seek early treatment.

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