Thursday 19 September 2019

United Kingdom has still a long way to go before legalizing cannabis in the country

By Simon klink

Though the United Kingdom is in favor of cannabis legalization, it is still illegal in the country. Let us go through the marijuana sector of the United Kingdom.

Some facts about cannabis consumption in the United Kingdom 

The people residing in the United Kingdom strongly favor the legalization of cannabis. But it is limited only to the back door market. There are more than 2.5 million cannabis users in the UK who buy it illegally as reported by the Cannabis Consultancy Prohibition Partners. It makes up almost 4% of the total population of the United Kingdom carrying a worth of more than £5 billion. 

It is important to note that 22% of the country’s population smokes tobacco, which makes up the revenue of almost £18 billion annually. Whereas, 60% population of the country drinks alcohol regularly ranging a worth of almost £68 billion. 

Legalization of cannabis in the United Kingdom

In 2018, the UK legalized the use of cannabis for medical purposes. The major reason behind its regulation was many high-profile cases of epilepsy in children came to light. Cannabis-related medications became the pain reliever for those patients suffering from such high profile epilepsy cases. Still, the use of cannabis for medical purposes is extremely less. 

Only the specialist consultant from General Hospital can prescribe it. The UK also allowed hemp oil and CBD, containing less than 0.2% THC, in the country. But a medical license is mandatory for using them too.

 Which country is the largest exporter and producer of legal marijuana across the globe?

Although the stance of the government of the United Kingdom is much strict for cannabis users, it is the largest exporter as well as the largest producer of legal medical marijuana in the world according to the reports of United Nations International Narcotics Control Board. This clearly shows that the UK exports all the legal cannabis products manufactured by the country.

There are only two products of medical marijuana in the UK that have a license. One is Sativex which is produced by GW Pharmaceuticals and the other one is Nabilone owned by Eli Lilly. 

The contradictory policy of the United Kingdom

It is evident from all the facts mentioned above that the government of the United Kingdom is still confused about whether to legalize marijuana in the country or not. While it is the largest exporter and producer of cannabis, it is very tough for patients of the country to have access to the products of medical cannabis. 

This shows the sanctimonious face of the country and it would probably cause difficulties for the cannabis industry in England including the monopoly of licensed manufacturers, high cost and barriers for the new entrants.

Some top-notch stocks of the United Kingdom

Though there are many difficulties for marijuana companies in the UK, there is a large range of public companies. According to the London Stock Exchange, most companies have other side businesses too other than cannabis. Some top cannabis stocks of the United Kingdom are GW Pharmaceuticals, Futura Medical, Integumen, AfriAg, and Sunrise Resources.

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