Wednesday 24 August 2016

7 marijuana myths you may believe are true

Crystal Bonvillian

To toke or not to toke; that has become the question across the United States as attitudes about marijuana use continue to shift and cities and states determine whether to decriminalize the drug.

Memphis on Tuesday became the latest American city to take the first step toward decriminalizing marijuana, even as the federal government earlier this month opted to keep pot listed as a Schedule I drug – lumped in with dangerous and potentially deadly drugs like heroin, ecstasy and LSD.

Meanwhile, support for legalizing the drug is at an all-time high, according to a study conducted in March by the Chicago-based Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that found that 61 percent of those U.S. residents surveyed were in favor of making pot legal.

Proponents on both sides of the issue have all made their arguments. Unfortunately, many of those arguments are based on myths and tall tales that have gathered around the subject like, well, like a cloud of smoke.

Here are seven myths that you may or may not have heard about marijuana:

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