Tuesday 10 November 2015

Cannabis oil cures three-year old boy of cancer after conventional cancer treatment failed!

cannabis oil
Studies show that marijuana can be an effective treatment for glaucoma, can help reverse the negative affects of cigarettes, controls seizures, and even slows he progress of Alzheimer’s disease.(1)
It is expected that California, Nevada and New York will legalize recreational marijuana use in 2016.  The latest Gallup, Pew Research, and General Social Survey have all shown that a slim majority of Americans have a favorable view of marijuana.  Smaller polls report that there is strong support for legalization of marijuana for medicinal purpose.(2)

Three large polls reports that a slight majority of Americans have a favorable view of marijuana!

Many people are finding success with cannabis healing cancer.  For Landon Riddle, the story is lifesaving.  Landon is a young boy from Utah, whose family relocated to Colorado to help save his life.  Doctors gave Landon an 8-10 percent chance of living for more than a day or two.  Landon’s chest was filled with leukemia tumors which impaired his breathing.(3)

Young boy’s family move to Colorado to seek cannabis oil treatment after chemotherapy treatment failed!

The medical team in Utah started him on chemotherapy, but told his mother he probably would not make it.  After two months of chemotherapy, Landon was so sick, he refused to eat.  He was vomiting up to 50 times a day.  It was Landon’s grandmother who suggested that they look into cannabis oil treatment.(3)
After discussed their concerns with Landon’s medical team in Utah, the family moved to Colorado where cannabis oil treatment was legal.  Within days, Landon’s symptoms began to ease, with him vomiting less and eating more.  Landon began to smile and was getting better and better.(3)

After just a few days of cannabis oil treatment, Landon’s symptoms began to improve and his cancer is now in remission!

Landon’s mother argues that being legally frowned upon for choosing cannabis over pharmaceuticals in atrocious!  Due to their decision to relocate and use cannabis oil treatment, Landon’s cancer is now in remission!(3)
If you or someone you know is losing their battle to cancer, share alternative therapy options.  Cancer does not have to end a loved one’s life; there is hope outside of chemotherapy and many families have experienced healing through alternative cancer treatment!

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