Thursday 1 October 2015

Medical marijuana: will legalization follow closed-door talks?

Medical marijuana rally
Medical marijuana supporters, including many who say they need it for a sick child, prepare for a rally at the Pennsylvania Capitol on Sept. 22, 2015. (David Wenner, PennLive)

By David Wenner


A group of Pennsylvania lawmakers that has been working behind closed doors since early summer has recommended allowing 14 medical conditions to be treated with medical marijuana.
The list includes post traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain — conditions some lawmakers have been uneasy about approving, arguing it's hard to prove the person actually suffers from the ailment.

Other ailments on the list include epilepsy and seizures, cancer, HIV/AIDS, glaucoma, inflammatory bowel system and several neurological conditions.
But the group of eight Republicans and five Democrats was unable to come up with a clear recommendation on one of the most controversial matters — how many growers, processors and dispensers to allow.

Lawmakers struggled to balance a desire to allow a relatively high number of such licenses, in order to allow convenient access for patients all over the state, against the fear more licenses would result in greater risk of
marijuana being diverted to non-medical use.

In the end, the group decided there should be two types of licenses: one kind for growers and processors, and another kind for dispensers. A majority of group members recommended at least 65 dispensers, located around the state based on patient demand. But the group left it up to leadership and further work within the legislature to come up with the exact number of dispensers, as well as the number of growers and processors.

PennLive obtained a copy of the report, which was recently completed and hasn't been publicly released. The report was forwarded to House Majority Leader Dave Reed, R-Indiana, who had tasked the working group with mulling several medical marijuana bills, and coming up with one that will pass the House.

A medical marijuana bill passed overwhelmingly in the state Senate this spring. That bill later stalled in the House, where some leaders have said it should be up to the federal government to legalize medical marijuana. Both the state House and Senate are controlled by Republicans. However, medical marijuana has strong support in both parties, with many lawmakers insisting the Senate bill would have passed the House.

Reed has been receptive to medical marijuana. The push for medical marijuana in Pennsylvania has been strong for several years and had been led by parents of children with severe seizures which aren't well-controlled with available medications. It also includes a strong movement of advocates for veterans who argue medical marijuana would improve the lives of many veterans affected by PTSD and chronic pain.

Some working group members had been optimistic a bill would be passed this summer, and many state residents who said they needed medical marijuana for a sick child were hoping for a vote on a bill by the end of September.
Late Wednesday, it was unclear when an actual bill might be introduced, although one insider said a vote on a bill was a month or more away.

Many medical groups, including the Pennsylvania Medical Society, remain opposed to legalizing medical marijuana, saying there hasn't been enough research and, as a result, doctors have no way of knowing things such as the appropriate dose. The medical society has said it does favor changing federal law to allow more research on medical marijuana.

The report said the work group's ten meetings were well-attended and "members came prepared to listen, discuss and question a complex and emotionally driven issue."
Once a bill is passed, it's expected to take nearly two years to get the program up and running and providing medical marijuana to patients.

Another "dividing" issue for the workgroup was whether to allow patients with a covered condition to obtain medical marijuana from another state as they await the start of the Pennsylvania program. The group made no recommendation, but said there was "a strong interest in exploring any available options" that would allow patients to possess medical marijuana while waiting for Pennsylvania's program to begin.

In another important topic for people in need of medical marijuana, the group recommended a broad range of methods for consuming medical marijuana, including pill, oils, lotions and vaporization. While commercially-produced edible forms wouldn't be allowed, patients or caregivers could privately prepare edible or drinkable forms. Smoking wouldn't be allowed, for reasons including the group's belief that smoking poses the greatest risk for illegal use and "contributes to the appearance of recreational use."

The group recommends allowing the state Department of Health to oversee the program, with input from a volunteer board.

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