Thursday 6 September 2018

Ministry of Internal Affairs Releases Planned Marijuana Use Regulations

By Samantha Guthrie

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) released a statement yesterday outlining a draft law on the use of marijuana, to be introduced to Parliament at the next session.

On July 30, the Constitutional Court of Georgia declared that administrative punishment for use of the drug marijuana was unconstitutional when consumption does not create any threat to third parties - effectively legalizing the consumption of marijuana.

“By this decision the Constitutional Court has created a completely new legal reality,” reads the MIA statement. The Court determined that marijuana use may be prohibited in certain contexts. The MIA is tasked with enforcing the law and protecting public safety. Their statement says that “the absence of the relevant legislative framework hinders the effective struggle against illegal circulation of drugs and promotes its use.”

The draft law prohibits the use of marijuana in any place of public gathering, on all public transport, in the presence of a minor, in or around educational institutions, their buildings and other facilities for people under the age of 18, at or near public meetings intended for minors, and for certain people performing official duties (for example, teachers, doctors, public servants). Driving a car under the influence of marijuana also remains prohibited. “Popularization or advertising of any drugs is an administrative offense and will lead to the appropriate response” reminds the MIA statement.

The draft law aims “to protect juveniles from the harmful effects of marijuana” and uphold public safety.

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