Thursday 27 September 2018

Marylanders strongly support legalizing marijuana, $15 minimum wage, ACA, Medicare for All

by Don Parker/ABC7
(MGN Online)
By wide margins, Marylanders support the legalization of marijuana, a $15 minimum wage, and both the Affordable Care Act and the possibility of Medicare for All, according to the latest Goucher Poll.

Asked about proposals to raise the statewide minimum wage to $15 dollars per hour, 71 percent favor it and 25 percent oppose it.

By nearly 2-1, Marylanders favor legalizing marijuana for recreational use with 62 percent in favor and 33 percent opposing.

On health care, the Affordable Care Act, often called Obamacare, gets a 60 percent favorable rating with 33 percent unfavorable. Fifty-four percent support moving to a Medicare for All/single-payer health system; 33 percent hold an unfavorable opinion of it.

Mileah Kromer, director of the Sarah T. Hughes Field Politics Center at Goucher College, said:
Support for a state-based Medicare for All plan distinguished Ben Jealous as a candidate for governor from the rest of field during the Democratic primary, However, opinions toward adopting a single-payer health care system are nuanced. Marylanders do view Medicare for All favorably, but a majority still prefers that elected officials focus on improving the way the Affordable Care Act is working for Maryland.

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