Thursday 20 April 2017

Public voices opinion regarding The Adult Use of Marijuana Act

By: Nico Payne

EL CENTRO, Calif. - The Imperial County Board of Supervisors are hosting a series of informational workshops regarding Proposition 64, The Adult Use of Marijuana Act.

They are asking for the public's input on potential methods and implementations for the newly  approved law, news 11’s nico payne was at the first of three workshops and brings us more.

The Proposition was approved by California voters back in November and today people had the opportunity to learn about new changes that can lead to new business developments and share their input.

 “California is the first state in the nation to adopt any form of medical marijuana use," said Jim Minnick, Director of Imperial County Planning and Development.

Minnick presented the history of regulation in California along with issues the county will face including the cultivation, manufacturing and distribution.

Though the law passed statewide, Imperial County was not in favor of the proposition, voting against it at 51%.

 “The 1970 Controlled Substance Act of the federal government actually enlists marijuana as a controlled substance and that doesn't change," added Minnick.

Eleven people from the public spoke during public comment and addressed the board on how marijuana could be beneficial to the county.

 “I believe, based on all the anecdotal evidence that I’ve seen, with the patients that I have worked with here. It’s had absolute tremendous benefits. I know that a lot of jurisdictions are definitely really worried about the recreational aspect of this industry, and again that’s all in your guys hands to regulate," said Tammie Thomas with The Cancer Resource Center.

 “In our case, we want to be as green and lean compliant as possible, so actually in three years we will be zero carbon footprint. Right now approximately 80% of our water will be recycled also, so we’ll be using roughly 750 gallons a day," said Jim Erwin who is building a Cultivation Facility in Calexico.

Erwin also addressed other issues such as odor control and security, and explained his facility would be creating 25 jobs.

If you missed today’s workshop, there will be two more workshops for the public to attend, for more information you can head to for more information regarding the two remaining workshops.

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