Thursday 27 April 2017

Colorado Pot: State House Picks Fight With Feds

The state house voted overwhelmingly to bar public employees from assisting in a federal marijuana crackdown.


The Colorado State House took a big step toward picking a fight with the federal government over marijuana enforcement. The house voted overwhelmingly to prevent public employees from arrested a resident of the state for doing something that is constitutionally permissible in Colorado.

While the bill does not mention marijuana, legislators made it clear it was introduced in response to a threatened federal crackdown on marijuana use.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has said states need to remember that marijuana use is still illegal under federal law.

It will next go to the state senate for consideration.

Colorado is one of the states with the most open-ended marijuana use laws.

The legislature is also considering a bill that would allow recreational marijuana establishments to reclassify as medical marijuana in case of a crackdown.

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