Tuesday 25 April 2017

Man who was denied lung transplant over marijuana use dies

A Utah man who initially was denied a life-saving lung transplant because marijuana was found in his system died over the weekend.

Riley Hancey, 20, was surrounded by his father, mother and two aunts at about 4 p.m. Saturday when he died from complications of a double lung transplant that he underwent in Pennsylvania after being denied one in his home state, his father, Mark Hancey, told the Salt Lake Tribune.

The Hanceys also confirmed the death on a YouCaring fundraising website originally set up to raise money to offset costs of the man’s medical expenses.

“It is with heavy hearts, we are devastated to announce that Riley Hancey passed away from complications of a lung transplant,” the website reads. “We are extremely thankful to all the wonderful doctors and staff at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Utah for their expertise and care that Riley received. We would also like to thank the donor family, who in their own grief chose to save a life. We will never forget your kindness and generosity.”

After being admitted to the University of Utah in December, Hancey, of Park City, was put on life support two weeks later and was denied a transplant earlier this month after traces of THC — the main ingredient in pot — were found in his system. Mark Hancey said his son smoked pot with his friends on Thanksgiving after being drug-free for a year.

“It’s not like he’s a smoker for 30 years and [had] deteriorating lungs because of that,” Mark Hancey told KSL.com.

But the hospital, according to its policy, does not transplant organs in patients with “active alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drug use or dependencies,” spokeswoman Kathy Wilets said at the time, adding that the policy is intended to give patients a higher chance of surviving surgery and completing their recovery process.

The Hanceys searched for other hospitals across the country and found an answer some 2,000 miles away at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, where he underwent a double lung transplant March 29. Mark Hancey praised the care he received at the hospital, calling the medical staff otherworldly.

“This death is unbelievable,” Hancey told the Salt Lake Tribune. “If you could talk about angels, [the UPenn] medical staff, they are a group of angels. From the physicians down, I just couldn’t believe it.”

Hancey spent 68 days at the University of Utah’s intensive care unit after a severe bout of pneumonia turned into a rare lung infection. His relatives said he received “every opportunity to survive,” according to the YouCaring page.

“He will live in our hearts forever,” the site reads. “Riley is now free to climb every mountain, ski the back country, go fishing, and run every river.  He will continue to do so with his family in spirit.

In his honor, we ask that you take a moment to do a random act of kindness for someone. Riley’s kind spirit, laughter, and smile will be deeply missed by all that knew him.”

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