Thursday 13 April 2017

Legalizing reefer madness

Jay Fallis,

Whether or not you have smoked marijuana, you could probably identify the scent of its smoke. You can smell it everywhere: parks, streets, concert venues and even, on occasion, the lawns of Parliament Hill. It has become an unauthorized part of life in Canada.

However, it seems its unauthorized status could soon be changing. In the wake of a report issued by the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation this past November, the Liberal government is expected to table marijuana legislation sometime this week. So, with the idea of legalization quickly gaining traction, I talked with Simcoe North Conservative MP Bruce Stanton to get a better understanding of the implications.

To start, Stanton suggested he was a little wary of the current approach to legalization. However, he said there could be one potential positive outcome from such legislation.

“If there is any positive, I would say it would be a move that is at least taking this distribution and sales of marijuana out of the hands of (criminals) and putting it into a regulated scenario ... In a practical sense, this stuff is on the streets. It’s out there. People are buying it. But because it’s illegal, it’s all underground,”  Stanton said.

By legalizing marijuana, not only can the government regulate the product to ensure it is safer for consumers; it also has the capacity to limit profit diverted to criminal organizations. As Stanton later suggested, this could help to limit more serious criminal activity such as trafficking.

We also discussed the ethics of the government’s capacity to collect tax revenue from marijuana.

Stanton said he doesn’t take a positive view of taxing recreational drugs. However, he did suggest that if such revenue was to be collected, it would be preferable for the federal government to spend it in a certain way.

“If we were able to raise some money off somewhat recreational but less harmful types of (drug) abuse, let’s put it into something that will help people that do lose their way and become addicts, and find a way to get them back out of that addiction into a better life ahead,” he said.

Stanton also talked about some of the ways revenue could be spent responsibly.

“Spending it on disseminating good information on the ill-effects of (serious drugs), supporting the health system for those who get hooked on drugs. We have a real shortage of spaces for people to go into drug rehab,” Stanton said.

By legalizing this drug, and managing revenue from the drug in a certain way, our government could positively impact the lives of Canadians suffering with addiction, and take meaningful steps toward combating the use of more serious drugs.

However, upon enactment, legalization will not be problem-free. Stanton expressed several concerns over determining adequate age restrictions and dealing with new border security issues. He also warned of the challenges of monitoring regulations around marijuana use and driving.

“Alcohol in the bloodstream has a sort of quantitative and known impact level and (law enforcement) can measure it. So, there is a fairly easy way to come at that. But that doesn’t hold true for drugs ... It is a much different bridge to cross,” Stanton said.

Drinking and driving is easier to monitor than driving under the influence of drugs. Stanton reasonably suggests if this drug is to be legalized, it is important police be able to enforce the laws that dictate the limits of its use.

With legalization will come complications. However, it is worth it. By permitting the consumption of this commonly used, relatively harmless substance, we have the capacity to better control its use, to limit the power of criminal organizations and possibly even address more serious drug use. It seems, with legalization, we have little to lose and a lot to gain.

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