Hispanic Heritage Month recognizes Americans with ancestry in
Spanish-speaking nations.
During this month, we celebrate the
contributions of these people to the US as well as the various histories
and cultures of the countries they represent. Many Hispanic nations
celebrate their independence during this month, and September 15 was
chosen as the starting point for the celebration because it is the
anniversary of independence of several Latin American countries.
To help bring awareness of National Hispanic Heritage Month, we
explore Spain’s role in bringing cannabis to the Americas and its
indigenous people, how hemp made its way up to California, cannabis’s
spread into the United States, and how a famous Mexican folk song
referencing “marijuana” came to be.
Cannabis’s Migration Across the Globe
Cannabis plants are believed to have evolved on the steppes of
Central Asia, in the regions that are now Mongolia and southern Siberia.
Both hemp
and psychoactive marijuana were used in ancient China. The plant’s
medicinal properties, including its use as an anesthetic during surgery,
were supposedly realized and taught by the mythical Chinese emperor
Shen Nung in 2737 BC. From China, coastal farmers brought the plant
south to Korea.
Historical evidence demonstrates that the Aztecs used several forms of psychoactive drugs.
The plant came to the South Asian subcontinent between 2000 BC and
1000 BC, when the region was invaded by the Aryans. Cannabis would
become popular in India, where it was celebrated as one of “five
kingdoms of herbs … which release us from anxiety” in an ancient
Sanskrit poem. The plant arrived in the Middle East between 2000 BC and
1400 BC, where it was likely used by the nomadic Scythians. This group
carried the drug into southeast Russia and Ukraine. Germanic tribes
brought the drug into central Europe, and marijuana went from there to
Britain during the 5th century with the Anglo-Saxon invasions.
Over the following centuries, cannabis migrated to various regions of
the world, traveling through Africa and reaching South America before
being carried northwards, eventually reaching North America.
Responsibility for the introduction of cannabis as an intoxicant in the
Americas rests with the Spanish, with some help from the Portuguese.
Prior to their conquests, Native Americans used tobacco and other
substances in rituals as relaxants and hallucinogens, but not cannabis.
The New World Before Cannabis
There is much archaeological evidence that points to the use of
entheogens early in the history of Mesoamerica. “Entheogen” is a word
coined by academics denoting plants and substances used for traditional
sacred rituals. A large number of inebriants, from tobacco and marijuana
to alcohol and opium, have been venerated as gifts from the gods in
different cultures at different times.
Entheogens have been used in a
ritualized context for thousands of years; their significance is well
established in many diverse practices geared towards achieving
transcendence. These psychedelic substances have played a pivotal role
in the spiritual practices of American cultures for millennia.
The Maya, for example, flourished in Central America from as early as
2000 BC right up until the fall of their last city, Nojpetén, to the
Spanish in 1697. Their religion placed a strong emphasis on an
individual being a communicator between the physical world and the
spiritual world, and hallucinogens would have been helpful in bridging
the gap. Mushroom stone effigies, dating to 1000 BC, give evidence that
mushrooms were at least revered in a religious way.
Similarly, the ancient Aztecs employed a variety of entheogenic
plants and animals within their society from the 14th to 16th centuries.
The various species have been identified through their depiction on
murals, vases, and other objects. Historical evidence demonstrates that
the Aztecs used several forms of psychoactive drugs: The Xochipilli
statue gives the identity of several entheogenic plants, and the
Florentine Codex vividly describes Aztec culture and society, including
the use of entheogenic drugs.
Spain Spreads Hemp Production
Christopher Columbus’ voyage in 1492 led to the Columbian Exchange,
the widespread exchange of animals, plants, culture, human populations,
communicable diseases, ideas, and technology between the Old and New
World. It was one of the most significant events concerning ecology,
agriculture, and culture in all of human history, and cannabis (hemp)
was part of this exchange.
Even before the English and the French were thinking about exploiting
the New World, Spain was promoting hemp production in its colonies
throughout South America. As early as 1545, hemp seed was sown in the
Quillota Valley, near the city of Santiago in Chile. Most of the hemp
fiber from these initial experiments were used to make rope for the army
stationed in Chile. The rest was used to replace worn-out rigging on
ships docked at Santiago. Eventual surpluses were shipped north to Peru.
Attempts were also made at cultivating hemp in Peru and Colombia, but
only the Chilean experiments proved successful.
Hemp is believed to have been brought to Mexico by Pedro Cuadrado, a
conquistador in Cortes’s army, when the conqueror made his second
expedition to Mexico. Cuadrado and a friend went into business raising
hemp in Mexico and were pretty successful at it. However, in 1550, the
Spanish governor forced the two entrepreneurs to limit production
because the natives were beginning to use the plants for something other
than rope.
Hemp Gets Planted in California
By the 18th century, Spain’s economy began to plummet drastically and
the country began to turn to its colonies for a boost. In 1777, experts
were dispatched to various colonial outposts in Spanish America to
teach the inhabitants the finer points of growing and preparing
commercial hemp.
Three years later, orders from Spain instructed all
viceroys to encourage hemp production throughout New Spain.
1801, the area around San Jose was chosen as an experimental farm area
and an earnest effort was made to raise hemp for market.
In Mexico, the authorities decided that the province of California
would be an ideal place to farm hemp, but the missions and individual
farmers in the parishes preferred raising food crops and cattle.
When no
hemp arrived for shipment, experts were again deployed to California to
instruct the people how to grow and prepare hemp for market.
In 1801, the area around San Jose was chosen as an experimental farm
area and an earnest effort was made to raise hemp for market. From 1807
to 1810, California increased its hemp production from 12,500 to over
220,000 pounds. Production may have continued to increase, but in 1810
the Mexican Revolution effectively detached California from the main
seat of government. Consequently, the subsidies that had stimulated hemp
production were no longer available, and the commercial production of
hemp came to an end.
‘Marijuana’ in Mexico
By the end of the 19th century the use of cannabis was noted in
Mexico. It could be found growing in the wild and was commonly
cultivated by peasants who mostly smoked it in pipes, but also ate or
made infusions of it with sugar cane, milk, and chiles. It was
extensively used by
curandero, witchdoctors who were
repositories of “the old knowledge.” Within a decade, cannabis
cigarettes became common, the contents of which were called “marijuana.”
The word “marijuana” was colloquial, though its origins are
uncertain. One possible root seems to have been the Mexican military
slang phrase “Maria y Juana” (Mary and Jane), meaning a prostitute or
brothel where these marijuana-filled cigarettes presumably could be
bought and consumed. Others suggest that it may have derived from the
Nahuatl phrase
mallihuan, meaning “prisoner,” which the Spanish
pronunciation later altered. Whatever the case, in the early 20th
century, the word was widespread in Mexico and, along with the substance
itself, was beginning to creep northwards.
Cannabis’s Arrival in the United States
After this pretty impressive trip through the pre-modern and modern
worlds, cannabis finally came to the United States at the beginning of
the 20th century. It arrived in the southwest United States from Mexico,
with immigrants fleeing that country during the Mexican Revolution of
The revolution that overthrew General
Porfiro Diaz in 1910 increased the Mexican migration rate and,
inevitably, the use of marijuana in the US.
At that time, Mexico was in a state of upheaval. The dictatorship of
General Porfiro Diaz was unpopular and dissent was widespread. This
period’s effect on the economy was devastating, and a large number of
rank and file Mexicans migrated north over the Rio Grande into Texas
and, to a lesser extent, New Mexico. Once there, many settled in
shanty-towns and amongst the poorer quarters of towns, finding work as
unskilled laborers.
The revolution that overthrew Diaz in 1910 increased the migration
rate and, inevitably, the use of marijuana in the US. Gradually, the
migrant workforce pushed deeper into the United States, bringing their
customs and habits with them, including partaking in cannabis.
Consequently, many early prejudices against marijuana use were thinly
veiled racist fears of its smokers, often disseminated by reactionary
Pancho Villa and the ‘Roach’
The overthrow of General Diaz was engineered by Francisco Madero,
whose forces included a man named Doroteo Arango. During another
uprising two years later, Arango, who is better known today as Pancho
Villa, would fall afoul of one of his commanding officers, General
Victoriano Huerta. Villa was arrested and condemned to death, but after
escaping from prison, he joined up with troops loyal to him, called the
Division del Norte, and fled into the US. A well-known Mexican folksong,
“La Cucaracha,” would become the anthem of Pancho Villa’s army:
The cockroach, the cockroach,
Now he cannot walk,
Because he doesn’t have, because he’s lacking,
Marijuana to smoke.
It’s a fun little tune considered to be the Mexican version of
“Yankee Doddle Dandy” (with added cannabis references, of course). The
song was most likely brought to Mexico from Spain, while the lyrics
typically commemorate 19th century conflicts in both countries. Its most
famous verses were written during the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920.
There are plenty of stories concerning the origins of the verse
containing the “marijuana” reference. Some refer to the “cucaracha” as
Pancho Villa’s car, which looked a bit like a cockroach with his
soldiers hanging out the sides of it. Others claim that the song is
ridiculing the federal forces that the revolutionaries said couldn’t
fight without smoking marijuana to increase their bravado. Some say, and
this seems most likely, that it was directed at the dictatorial
Victoriano Huerta, who was ridiculed by his many enemies as a drunk and
pot fiend who lived only for his daily weed.
We can’t definitively confirm the protagonist of the song, but that
won’t stop us conjecturing as to the provenance of another term. Maybe
“La Cucaracha” is the etymological origin of the modern slang term
Americans use for a joint filter or the frustrating, finger-burning
remains of a joint: the “roach.”
After all,
cucaracha is Spanish for “cockroach,” and “roach” is the sole unstressed syllable in that word. (It’s an admittedly tenuous argument.)
An alternative theory might cite the Spanish phrase “tabaco de
cucaracha” as the origin of “roach” considering that the term refers to
low-quality or adulterated tobacco. Of course, we can’t say for sure.