Friday 2 November 2018

Study Says Democrats are More Likely to Smoke Weed, Republicans More Likely to Take Edibles

By Joseph Misulonas

While they may disagree on most issues, the majority of both Democrats and Republicans support legalizing recreational marijuana. But apparently that's where their cannabis similarities end.

A new study by the Brightfield Group examined how Democrats and Republicans consume marijuana differently. According to the study, about two-thirds of Democrats use cannabis flower when consuming marijuana, whereas less than half of Republicans use the flower. That would indicate that Democrats are more likely to smoke marijuana, while Republicans probably choose other methods such as edibles. The report also found that Democrats use a wider variety of cannabis products, while Republicans use only a limited variety.

That's not where the differences ended. For Republicans, the most important factor when buying marijuana was taste, while for Democrats it was price. Republicans were also more likely to learn about the benefits of CBD from a medical professional, while Democrats were more likely to hear about it from word of mouth family or friends.

There were similarities though between both groups. Large number of both Democrats and Republicans use marijuana to deal with anxiety and/or chronic pain, and they actually have roughly the same percentage of users in both demographics.

So once again, it turns out America's great unifying issue is cannabis.

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