Tuesday 15 August 2017

AAA Texas to Host First Summit on “Marijuana Crashes”

By Don Morgan
The number of fatal crashes involving people with marijuana in their system is on the rise and Triple A Texas is hoping a summit they’re holding Tuesday will provide some solutions.
The auto clubs Daniel Armbruster tells us that many states are easing marijuana restrictions and the results are showing up on the nations roads.
“In fact, in over a roughly 10 year period we saw a 50 percent increase in crashes involving drivers who had marijuana in their systems.”
Armbruster says they’re bringing in law enforcement, law makers an advocates for safer roads to talk about this growing issue.
He says Triple A will gather the information being shared today and present it to policy makers who oppose or support recreational marijuana use.
Armbruster says the facts show many families are often left to deal with the impact of someone driving while impaired and they will be represented at the summit as well.
“We are going to hear from someone who lost a family member in the horrible church bus crash from this spring. The news of that crash hit home for so many people and we wanted to give victims a chance to speak out.”
The summit is being held in Austin.

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