Wednesday 12 October 2016

Medical marijuana: The fight over Amendment 2

Exclusive WESH 2 News mini-debate on medical marijuana

Greg Fox

ORLANDO, Fla. — The two sides in the contentious battle over making full-strength cannabis available in Florida for "debilitating medical conditions" laid out their cases in an exclusive WESH 2 News mini-debate.

Local attorney John Morgan and United For Care are behind Yes On 2. 

Dr. Jessica Spencer is the policy director for No On 2.

If at least 60 percent of Florida voters approve Amendment 2, marijuana will be made available under a physician’s recommendation or “order” and would be regulated by the Florida Department of Health.

While Spencer said more study is needed when it comes to marijuana’s potential side effects, Morgan said the opponents are funded in Central Florida and across the country by the makers of pain meds and drug treatment centers to protect their industries. He said, “In Arizona, the makers of fentanyl (Insys Therapeutics) donated $3.5 million to the campaign to stop medical marijuana this year. $3.5 million. You know why? It's about money for them.”

When asked if big pharma was financially supporting opposition to medical marijuana around the country, Spencer replied, “I would disagree with that.”

While the amendment would "allow" cannabis to be dispensed for "debilitating medical conditions," it would still be an illegal drug in Florida and remain classified as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Dr. Spencer accused Morgan of trying fool voters by making them believe it would be harmless medicine. Morgan replied, “If I had wanted to legalize marijuana, period, that's what I would have done."

"You are!" Spencer said.

"OK, no I'm not! That's the difference and that's the lie! That's the lie. If I was wanting to legalize marijuana, that's what we would have been voting on. That's the lie. If it was left up to me, I would have wanted this to be done in Tallahassee, but it wasn't. We tried. They wouldn't do it. If it's left up to her, this never happens, ever!" Morgan said.

Spencer countered, “There's another lie from Mr. Morgan. The Legislature has done their job and they have over the last two years. We have two laws in place."

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