Thursday 6 October 2016

Congress fails to pass VA medical marijuana provision

Veterans seeking to use marijuana to alleviate pain and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder must continue going to a private physician for a recommendation and will continue to pay out-of-pocket for the drug.

Even if the measure had passed, veterans would have been required to pay for the marijuana themselves, as the drug remains illegal under federal law.

By regulation, veterans cannot lose their VA disability or health benefits if they are found to use medical marijuana.

Their doctors can decide, however, to reduce a patient's access to pain medications, including opioids, if the veteran uses medical marijuana and the physician believes they may be at risk for drug interaction. The decision is made on a case-by-case basis.

Medical marijuana is legal in 25 states plus the District of Columbia, although states differ on the medical conditions for which it can be prescribed.

The Veterans Affairs Department recommends its physicians use "evidence-based" practices — therapies proved by scientific research to be effective — to treat mental and physical health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and pain.

There has been no research in the U.S. on the effectiveness of medical marijuana for relieving symptoms of PTSD or other conditions, although some veterans groups and marijuana legalization advocates say it helps relieve symptoms of combat-related PTSD and anxiety.

A study is underway in Arizona and Maryland on the effectiveness of marijuana to treat PTSD. Results from that research are not expected for at least 18 months to two years.

Blumenauer pledged to keep fighting to overturn VA’s policy that restricts doctors from recommending the drug for their patients.

“We will continue to seek every opportunity to make sure they have fair and equal treatment and the ability to consult with, and seek a recommendation from, their personal VA physician about medical marijuana,” he said.

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