Monday 12 October 2015

National Cancer Institute Posts Benefits of Marijuana on Federal Govt. Website


The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is the federal government’s principal agency for cancer research and training. Recently, it updated its site to posts the known benefits of marijuana. The federal government admits to the below benefits, yet will not institute national medical marijuana laws to promote the research and use of this proven medicine. Obviously, the question arises who is stopping a serious push in Congress to do what obviously needs to be done in the public’s best interest.

Benefits acknowledged by the federal government resulting from marijuana use:
Antitumor activity
  • Studies in mice and rats have shown that cannabinoids may inhibit tumor growth by causing cell death, blocking cell growth, and blocking the development of blood vessels needed by tumors to grow. Laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids may be able to kill cancer cells while protecting normal cells.
  • A study in mice showed that cannabinoids may protect against inflammation of the colon and may have potential in reducing the risk of colon cancer, and possibly in its treatment.
  • A laboratory study of delta-9-THC in hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) cells showed that it damaged or killed the cancer cells. The same study of delta-9-THC in mouse models of liver cancer showed that it had antitumor Delta-9-THC has been shown to cause these effects by acting on molecules that may also be found in non-small cell lung cancer cells and breast cancer cells.
  • A laboratory study of cannabidiol (CBD) in estrogen receptor positive and estrogen receptor negative breast cancer cells showed that it caused cancer cell death while having little effect on normal breast Studies in mouse models of metastatic breast cancer showed that cannabinoids may lessen the growth, number, and spread of tumors.
  • A laboratory study of cannabidiol (CBD) in human glioma cells showed that when given along with chemotherapy, CBD may make chemotherapy more effective and increase cancer cell death without harming normal cells. Studies in mouse models of cancer showed that CBD together with delta-9-THC may make chemotherapy such as temozolomide more effective.
Stimulating appetite
  • Many animal studies have shown that delta-9-THC and other cannabinoids stimulate appetite and can increase food intake.
Pain relief
  • Cannabinoid receptors (molecules that bind cannabinoids) have been studied in the brain, spinal cord, and nerve endings throughout the body to understand their roles in pain relief.
  • Cannabinoids have been studied for anti-inflammatory effects that may play a role in pain relief.

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