Friday 16 October 2015

Hillary Clinton: Feds shouldn't 'interfere with' legal pot

KUSA - Hot off of her first primary debate with fellow Democrats running for president, Hillary Clinton took questions from 9NEWS about how she'd handle state-legalized marijuana, her email controversy and gun policy.
This interview airs on Sunday's episode of Balance of Power from 9NEWS. 9NEWS will continue to bring you interviews with candidates on both sides of the aisle in the 2016 election cycle.

In the CNN debate Tuesday, Clinton declined to take a position on the legalization of marijuana, but she was not asked how she would handle state-legalized pot as president.

In contrast with Republican candidate Chris Christie, who wants to use federal power to stop legalized sales of marijuana in states like Colorado, Clinton told 9NEWS, "I want to give you the space" to experiment with pot policy.

"I really believe it's important that states like Colorado lead the way so we can learn what works and what doesn't work," Clinton told 9NEWS political reporter Brandon Rittiman. "I would certainly not want the federal government to interfere with the legal decision made by the people of Colorado."

As 9NEWS recently reported, the Denver-based company that managed Hillary Clinton's private email server says it was unaware that she planned to use the system for government information.
Platte River Networks says it appears that data was backed-up to another computer off-site without its consent or the consent of Clinton.

9NEWS wanted to know how voters should view the judgement reflected in using such a system for official business as Secretary of State.

Rittiman: "You're the nation's top diplomat in that role. What you're sending through communications is valuable to foreign intelligence. Why go with this system? Did any part of you think maybe this isn't a good idea?"

Clinton: "Well, look, I've taken responsibility for what I did. And it was a mistake. The State Department allowed it at the time and I've tried to be as transparent as possible. I'll be appearing before the Congress next week and answering a lot of questions."

Clinton went on to characterize the effort in Congress to investigate the issue as being purely motivated by politics.
Given the chance again to address her judgement in the matter, Clinton reiterated (as she's done many times before) that the information that "nothing I sent or received was marked classified at the time."

At the suggestion that she must be hoping Vice President Joe Biden doesn't jump into the race, Clinton replied, "I'm not hoping anything."

"I have to run my campaign no matter who else is in the race and so I'm just going to give him the space that he needs to try to resolve this in his own mind," Clinton said.

Asked if she's ready to run against the Vice President if he were to get in, Clinton said she's "not going to comment on a decision that he hasn't made."

Hillary Clinton's strongest opponent in the Democratic party is Bernie Sanders, who emphatically describes himself as a "Democratic Socialist."

While Clinton reached out to Sanders supporters in this week's debate by saying that capitalism needs to be saved from itself periodically, she took a pass when asked "is there anything wrong with Democratic Socialism?"

"I'm not going to comment on labels other people apply to themselves," said Clinton, who labels herself a "progressive Democrat."

Clinton went on to say she wants to be judged by her own record.
When pressed as to whether she'd apply the brand Democratic Socialist to herself, Clinton replied, "no."

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