Monday 12 October 2015

Marijuana has an affect in the gym, field

Whether you’re weight lifting or marathon-style running, smoking marijuana changes the game a bit. And with marijuana becoming legal in Oregon recently, it seems appropriate to share a little information on how cannabis affects your exercise endeavors.

On a microscopic level, our bodies work similar to a lock and key mechanism. The keys, or compounds, float around in the blood until they meet their specific lock, or receptor, which is usually anchored to a specific body part. When they meet, the receptor “unlocks” and triggers something to happen inside our body.

An easy example to help us understand this concept is insulin. Insulin is a key that floats in the blood, and when it meets its receptor, the result is a decrease in blood sugar.

The “keys” in marijuana are known as cannabinoids. The two main cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, and the less well-known cannabidiol, or CBD. They bind to and activate cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2 (CB1 and CB2) in our brain and body.
Some research shows that after we weight lift, the CB1 receptor gets turned off, and this leads to a major muscle-growth hormone being released. The hormone is called mTOR, if you’re curious, and it's one of the primary hormones responsible for muscle growth.

Muscle growth = CB1 not activated, smoking weed = CB1 activated. You can see the problem here.
And if you need a cherry on top, here it is: After smoking, testosterone levels decrease and cortisol levels increase. Testosterone is another primary hormone responsible for muscle growth, and cortisol is a primary hormone responsible for breaking muscle down.

So, probably not the best idea to smoke before or after lifting. But what about other types of exercise, like running or swimming? How does pot use affect us there?

The research is pretty clear on this one. Cannabis use increases time to fatigue, meaning it makes you tired faster. Instead of gassing out after 30 minutes of jogging or swimming, you might gas out after 20 instead.

Whether you’re racing or just working out, that can have a significant impact on your efforts.

Additionally, marijuana decreases reaction time, hand-eye coordination and interrupts concentration. In sport, all three of those are absolutely critical to playing at your highest level.

And don’t think you’re off the hook soccer players: if hand-eye coordination is decreased, foot-eye coordination likely is to.

But aside from sport, a decrease in reaction time, coordination and concentration is a great recipe for injury.

You may lose just enough control of your body to tweak this or that — or, God forbid, tear or break something. Not to mention, a decrease in reaction time and concentration can have a deadly impact if you choose to smoke and drive.

So, it’s pretty safe to say that cannabis decreases athletic and exercise performance in every way, and it’s not something that is likely to increase performance.

In all fairness, however, there may be something to say for the psychological effects of marijuana. Smoking marijuana decreases stress and anxiety, and if the negative effects of being stressed out over a big game outweigh the negative physiological effects of smoking (everything mentioned above), then it may be beneficial.

But, in any other scenario, smoking cannabis isn’t going to help.

Additionally, these effects have been shown to last up to 36 hours after use. So, just don’t use marijuana before or after a workout or game, right? Not so fast.

The cannabinoids (THC and CBD) are stored in our body’s fat cells. So, even if you haven’t smoked in a while, you might still have some THC and CBD stored in your fat cells. As we burn fat, like when we exercise, those compounds are released into our bloodstream. That’s either pretty interesting, or pretty scary, depending on your history with marijuana!

But just like we know drinking alcohol and eating Snickers bars isn’t going to help our “gains,” occasional or recreational use of marijuana probably isn’t going to negate hard work in the gym either.

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