One tonne of marijuana worth up to $17 million was seized by police in 2014-15. One tonne of marijuana worth up to $17 million was seized by police in 2014-15. Photo: ACT Policing

Henry Belot

One tonne of marijuana worth up to $17 million has been seized by police this year but it is unlikely to bring any comfort to those with chronic pain or a terminal illness.
ACT Policing has raided numerous grow houses across the territory as part of a crackdown dubbed Operation Armscote, including its biggest haul in July of 900 plants worth an estimated $6 million.
The raids have filled police coffers with close to 1100 kilograms of cannabis but the drugs are destined to remain in storage for testing or as evidence before being destroyed.
A grow house discovered by ACT Policing during 2014-15. A grow house discovered by ACT Policing during 2014-15. Photo: ACT Policing
Despite this, many chronically ill Canberrans continue to call for a legal distribution of cannabis to provide relief from terminal illnesses or chronic pain.