Friday 3 May 2019

Supporters of recreational marijuana outnumber opponents at Franklin County forum

Daniel Sostek

The potential legalization of recreational marijuana is a hot-button issue across the country, and Franklin County is no exception.

The issue came to the forefront on Thursday night, as Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman continued his "listening tour" across the state to hear from everyday people about whether or not they support the movement to legalize.

"This is far more valuable than a phone survey saying, 'Press one if you say yes, press two if you say no,'" Fetterman said. "[This forum] is what it's all about."

The event took place at the Chambersburg Recreation Department, where every seat was full, and attendees were given the chance to either walk up to a microphone stand to voice their opinion directly to the lieutenant governor, or fill out a comment card that Fetterman would take back to the capitol.

Lieutenant governor John Fetterman talks with local residents after taking his "listening tour" on recreational marijuana legalization to Chambersburg.
Dan Sostek 
More: Should recreational marijuana be legal? 'Listening tour' will come to Franklin County in May
Ten states have legalized marijuana for recreational use. Pennsylvania is among 33 states that have legalized it for medical purposes, with sales in the commonwealth starting early last year.

Some supporters of legalizing it for recreational use cited the medicinal benefits for pain management, while noting the difficulty to obtain a medical card for the substance. Safe access, as opposed to shady black market dealings, was another common point.

Others, like Chambersburg native Mark Foust, said it helped him avoid falling down the path prescription painkillers could have led him.

"If it weren't for cannabis, I'd probably be addicted to heroin on the street today," Foust said.
One speaker stated the case that legalization would help the black community, who he felt were targeted by marijuana arrests.

"Stop using weed to lock us up," the man said. "Stop using weed to destroy us."

Residents that opposed to the idea cited a bevvy of concerns, including the dangers of high drivers on the road and parents overusing and endangering children.

David Perkins of Shippensburg shared concerns about the psychoactive nature of the substance.

"I'm here to say that we shouldn't delude ourselves; marijuana is a mind- and mood-altering substance," Perkins said. "It impairs judgement and it impairs physical reactions. Those are facts."

More: Franklin County lawmakers speak out against 'listening tour' on legal weed
The idea that marijuana is a gateway drug to harder substances was another common concern, and was contested by legalization supporters. Some people shared the view that legalization is just an attempt for the government to tax a new product.

"Smoking is a known health hazard already," said an opposition speaker. "And we certainly don't need more DUI drivers on our highways. It would be better to visit all 67 counties and listen to the suggestions on taxpayers on how to cut $585 million dollars from the state budget than to add another vice tax to try to close the budget shortfalls."

At the end, a tentative yea or nay count was taken at the standing-room packed meeting room.

Supporters outnumbered the opponents, with only a few attendees remaining uncertain.

Despite the subject matter at hand and the clashing viewpoints, the event remained civil.

"It's getting perspectives from both sides," pro-recreational usage speaker Mary Werdebaugh said.

"It was very civil, respectful. I think getting education out, especially for more of the medical purposes, is extremely important for advocating for marijuana usage."

More: Medical marijuana brings southcentral Pa. man more relief than any pill or treatment
More: CBD 'flying off the shelves' in southcentral Pa.

Others, like Bill Murphy of Lurgan County, were more cynical about the forum, although he credited Fetterman with doing a good job of allowing both sides with voicing their opinions.

"I think it's a feel-good opportunity for the state," Murphy, who spoke against recreational legalization, said. "I don't know that it's gonna make a difference in the long run. I think the state is looking for another source of income, another revenue stream, and they're going to go ahead regardless of what we say here."

The four state lawmakers that represent Franklin County came out against Fetterman's tour, arguing the dangers of marijuana use outweigh any benefits and that comments in opposition of legal weed would make no difference to the ultimate decision.

Fetterman will continue this initiative throughout the state, continuing to look for Pennsylvanians to make their voices heard on such a significantly contested issue.

He said he is looking for personal experiences and for real voices in the commonwealth to inform how the government proceeds on the issue.

"You hear powerful stories, this woman right here, she had her views, and her views are valid, this gentleman right here has his, and his are valid," Fetterman said. "People's views are important.

People's experiences shape their views, and their views shape what we should be thinking about cannabis."

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