Friday 15 February 2019

Science says marijuana might be nature’s aphrodisiac

More reasons to smoke up and get sexy

The research also notes that people who smoked the equivalent of least 50 joints over six months experienced the pleasure benefits, but those who only smoked one joint a week or less saw a dip in libido.
You know it to be true, but now science might have your back. One study in the Pharmacological Research journal suggests that marijuana could be a proven aphrodisiac. The research also notes that people who smoked the equivalent of least 50 joints over six months experienced the pleasure benefits, but those who only smoked one joint a week or less saw a dip in libido.

But for each smoke sesh, a single joint was the sweet spot. More than that killed their sexual juju.

There is such a thing as getting too high to, um, function.

As Business Insider reports from the study’s findings:
People who light up before getting busy report feeling “aphrodisiac effects” in approximately half of cases, while 70 percent of users say they experienced “enhancement in pleasure and satisfaction,” according to a review of preclinical trials and studies that used human subjects.
But it’s hard to say how, exactly, marijuana use makes sex better. Sex is complicated from person to person, and everyone experiences their highs a little differently, with THC affecting your mental and physical states at the same time.

We’re probably still a long way from doctor-prescribed THC for your sex life, but it’s an intriguing area of study. Now, where do we sign up as test subjects?

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