Monday 25 February 2019

Love Strains: How to Choose the Best Weed for Sex

If you’ve ever used cannabis before or during sex and experienced greater pleasure, you’re not alone. Research has shown that cannabis can increase the intensity of your orgasms, relieve anxiety and boost your libido

The use of cannabis as an aphrodisiac is nothing new. Women in 7th century India drank a cannabis-infused drink to aid sexual pleasure and seek enlightenment at the same time. And with more and more research confirming that cannabis can heighten sexual pleasure, we don’t think the practice will die out anytime soon. 

If you’re curious about using cannabis during sex, whether you’ve used it before or it’s your first time, here’s everything you need to know about choosing the best weed for sex, how much to use and what you can expect.

The Best Weed Strains for Sex

Sex educator Ashley Manta tells VICE that the best weed strain for sex depends on “what kind of sex you want to be having.” If you are prone to anxiety, using high-CBD weed may be the best choice, as CBD provides more of a body high, opposed to THC, the psychoactive chemical that can trigger paranoia in some users. Indica strains are best for more intimate and relaxed sex, but if you’re looking for more of a high-energy experience, Manta suggests high-sativa strains, especially those high in pinene and limonene, which release aromas that can perk you up.

What About Dosage?

When it comes to dosage, more cannabis does not always equate to more pleasure. “At really high doses of cannabis, people can withdraw enough into their own head that they essentially forget what they are doing, and it’s no longer a mutual experience, and often just ceases to happen,” Boston-based doctor Jordan Tishler told Global News
Too much cannabis can cause sedation, paranoia or inward focus. It can also lower sex drive in men when used chronically.

Does Delivery Matter?

When it comes to delivery, both Manta and Tishler discourage the use of edibles as they take longer to kick in, which can lead to using too much. Smoking and vaping allow the user to feel the effects quickly and judge whether or not to take more. Manta also suggests trying a sublingual approach or holding cannabis oil under the tongue. 

If you’ve never used cannabis with sex, you may want to begin alone. Manta tells Mic that it’s wise to experiment with strain and dosage via masturbation first before bringing it to partnered sex. “It'll help you establish a baseline and know what to expect,” she advises.

What to Expect

In a 2008 study of motivations for using cannabis, Canadian sociologists discovered that users experienced increased libido, more control, lowering of inhibitions and increased sensitivity to touch. Marijuana was also seen to enhance the sexual experience because it relaxed participants, allowing them to focus on the physical sensations. Whether you choose sativa or indica via vape pen or joint, the potential side effects can be a game changer in the bedroom. Those women in 7th century India were definitely on to something.

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