With marijuana legalization becoming a reality in more and more states, many institutions and organizations have adapted to these new laws. And it appears the military may be the next one to do so.

The U.S. army recently made changes to their policies regarding potential recruits who've undergone mental health treatments or previously taken medications to help deal with those issues. In one recent memo, the Army re-affirmed a fairly new policy that allows the organization to accept recruits who admit to using marijuana in the past. Under the new policy, anyone who says they haven't used cannabis for four or more years prior to their recruitment can still enter the service.

But the Army is also supposedly considering even more dramatic changes to their recruitment policies. Older recruits in legalized states may very well have used marijuana frequently in the years leading up to their decision to join the military. And if those recruits choose to be honest with the Army and admit to past marijuana use, they can end up losing their ability to join.

The Army says they're reviewing qualifications related to marijuana, but that no decision have been made. It doesn't help that the people in charge of granting waivers for things like marijuana use or mental health has changed from the Army Recruiting Command to the Pentagon directly. They're still trying to figure out how to handle the new system, and it may be too early to make dramatic changes to it.

However it does seem the military is willing to adapt and accept marijuana users, which is more than can be said about just about every other part of the federal government.
(h/t Army Times)