Monday 5 March 2018

Patients medicating with cannabis for cancer showing improvement

After the six months continuous course, the researchers found 96% improvement in the condition of the patients.

By Victor Philips
The recent study that gets published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine says that many had denied accepting that cannabis is as fast as medicine for the treatment of cancer. To work on this update, Israeli research team calls Raphael Mechoulam who gets cannabinoids in from of all and tells that it is effective to cure cancer more than the medicines.

In the study, researchers involved a number of patients that are around 3,000, who are diagnosed with different types of cancer. In the study, half of them are at stage four of cancer. It is updated that the pain with which the participants were going through was extreme. The mean age of the participants was 60 years. In the study, cannabis made available to every patient. Patients are guided to use it in case of symptoms like pain, less sleep, nausea and lack of appetite.

Patients medicating with cannabis for cancer showing improvement
The result of which the study gets an end was something that can help patients to get rid of such dangerous disease. After the six months continuous course, the researchers found 96% improvement in the condition of the patients. The researchers said,”Cannabis as a palliative treatment for cancer patients seems to be well tolerated, effective and safe option to help patients cope with the malignancy-related symptoms.”

Researchers tell that the efficacy of cannabis helps to reduce the symptoms of cancer. Symptoms like pain, sleeplessness, vomiting, nausea are seen to get low with the daily usage of cannabis. After the study, the National Cancer Institute tells,“Cannabinoids may have benefits in the treatment of cancer-related side effects.” At this, the American Cancer Society tells,”Studies have long shown that people who took marijuana extracts in clinical trials tended to need less pain medicine.” Well, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still not called marijuana as a safe drug for the patients with cancer.

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