Saturday 22 July 2017

This is the disgusting reality of smoking synthetic marijuana

By Natalie Musumeci

Disturbing new video reveals how human beings turn into zombies — by smoking synthetic marijuana.

The 33-second clip released Friday by the Counties Manukau Police in New Zealand shows a user vomiting and falling over after taking the potentially deadly drug.

The CCTV footage highlights an incident in the city of Auckland from earlier this year “where a male was violently ill and could barely stand after smoking synthetic cannabis,” the police department said.

“We have grave concerns as users don’t know what poisonous chemicals they are potentially putting into their bodies when they’re smoking this drug,” said Detective Inspector Gary Lendrum.

The area’s police department and the chief coroner have issued the warning following at least seven deaths in July in Auckland that “appear” to be linked to the use of the drug, officials said.

“It is a dangerous, illegal substance and we will arrest those who are selling this harmful drug and place them before the Courts,” Lendrum said in his plea to the public to notify cops “if they know who are selling these drugs.”

“Tests conducted of the synthetic cannabis itself have shown that it can be very dangerous, with the possibility that some products can also be laced with other unknown chemicals,” Lendrum said.

He added: “This is not an issue unique to Auckland. Police are also concerned at the impact of synthetic cannabis in other communities in New Zealand.”

Synthetic pot — also known as “K2” or “spice” — has proven to be a danger across the globe, including last year on the streets of the Big Apple, where dozens of people overdosed in Bedford-Stuyvesant.

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