Sisters of the Valley is a company selling ointments and salves containing marijuana, run by nuns. It has protested local legislation banning the cultivation of marijuana by the city of Merced.
Hanna Horvath
Christine Meeusen (left) and Darcy
Johnson (right), also known as Sister Kate and Sister Darcy, run a
small business in Merced, California, selling marijuana-infused product.
Though they do not consider themselves traditional nuns, their work is
still spiritual; they work in accordance with the moon cycle and bless
each product before shipping.
Meeusen first donned the nun outfit in 2011, when she was protesting
against big banks in the Occupy movement. Calling herself an "activist
nun," Meeusen gained popularity through her unusual garb and fight
against what she calls "white man culture."
years later, Meeusen has continued her activist crusade through an
unlikely source: marijuana. Still dressed in her habit and long skirt,
Meeusen, going now by Sister Kate, has been cultivating marijuana in her
garage in Merced County, California, and turning it into healing salves
and ointments.
company, called Sisters of the Valley, began selling the products on
their Etsy page and have since expanded to include another sister,
Sister Darcy, and offer a variety of products.
wanted to design a product that could be exported from California and
bring money in the Valley," said Sister Kate, "which is a very poor
products produced by the Sisters is made from Cannabidiol, or CBD,
which an active ingredient of marijuana. A key component of CBD, which
Sister Kate is quick to stress, is that it is not psychoactive, meaning
it is not addictive for users.
makes Sister of the Valley products unique is not what is in the
ointments, but how they are made. All production is done based on the
lunar cycle, and revolves around ancient spirituality practices,
according to Sister Kate. Some of these practices include praying over
each product before shipping it.
Kate was raised Catholic, attending a high school run by nuns. She said
this played into her current choice of clothing, which represents a
religion that she deeply understands. However, Sister Kate and the rest
of her "sisterhood" are not Bible nuns. They simply wear the habit
because it "means something" to others.
"Honoring Mother Earth, medicine making, and honoring people through activist work. That's our trinity," she said.
of the Catholic Church are not as accommodating to the Sisters'
religious ideology. Just down the street from the Sisterhood's old home
is St. Patrick's Church, a Catholic church who has heard of the nuns,
but does not know them personally and does not support their actions.
Secretary Sandy Minor said the nuns "act like sisters, but are not" and
believed the nuns began wearing their "costume" in hopes "people will
take to them more."
Another church in Merced, St. Anthony's Catholic Church, declined to comment.
Sister Kate admits there has been some backlash against their clothing
choice, she said she has received mostly support and "didn't think I
would offend" the Catholic Church.
Kate and Sister Darcy began to receive media attention when they were
discovered by a photography pair, Shaughn and John, around Thanksgiving.
One of the photographers, John Dubois, said the sisters were very open
and transparent to showing off their work and lifestyle.
"They seemed very authentic," said DuBois. "From what I can tell, this is really what they believe."
popularity and business did not come without setbacks. Last winter,
Etsy unexpectedly shut down their account, saying they had violated
Etsy's policies.
In response, the
Sisters opened up sales on their website and set up a Go Fund Me asking
for $10,000, which, according to the website, would cover maintenance
repairs and investment to expand their base. As of June 9, over $3,000
had been raised.
A second setback
came this past January, when Merced passed an ordinance banning the
cultivation of marijuana in light of California's Medical Marijuana
Regulation and Safety Act, which was an attempt to regulate California's
marijuana business. This meant the Sisters of the Valley had to halt
production, or continue illegally.
don't use products that cause people to get high," Sister Kate said,
"Our intentions are pure. It's not acceptable it was banned overnight
with no public input."
Sisters of
the Valley moved out into the country to continue their business,
though they continued to become outspoken advocates against the
ordinance, going door to door to conjure up support against the ban.
people were writing hundreds of letters to the City Council and showing
up full-house to community meetings in protest. Sister Kate said they
managed to get the ban turned around, and are waiting for the new
legislation to become law.
City Council of Merced tells the story of the ban differently. Mike
Conway, assistant to the city manager, said the ban was a temporary
measure put in place before the Council could develop their own
legislation to regulate marijuana. What's more, Conway said the
temporary aspect of the ban was made "very clear" to the public,
including the Sisters.
Sisters] claimed we drove them out of the city, and there is no truth to
any of that," he said, "the Sisters are the Sisters, they are very good
at publicity. We have gotten calls all over the country and have to
keep re-explaining ourselves because of this."
When asked about continuing to advocate against the ban despite it being temporary, Sister Kate laughs.
City Council] is doing a cute job of spinning," she said. "It's been
six months and they have not lifted the ban. They are liars and don't do
what they say they are going to do."
said new legislation legalizing cultivation of marijuana in Merced was
introduced April 20 and went to the planning commission on May 18. He
said the City Council is expected to vote on the legislation in July.
This new legislation would allow cultivation of up to six mature and 12
immature plants, the establishment of four dispensaries, and delivery
services in the county.
Sister Kate is not convinced this legislation
will pass, or that it is a law benefiting the people of Merced. She said
allowing only four dispensaries would not give opportunity for
everyone, such as minorities, to cultivate marijuana.
of color are victimized by this racist law," said Sister Kate, "and I
am offended. I am not going to stop until something changes."
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