The pot people smoke today is not the same thing that parent smoked two decades ago. Today, marijuana has been found to be more potent than what was sold years back. This is according to a new study conducted on more than 38,600 samples of legal pot. The research found that the level of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) had increased by about 8% to a new high of 12%.

In a research conducted by Charas Scientific, one of the few labs authorized to run potency tests of marijuana in Colorado, the potency was found to have increased by a factor of three. The Founder and director of research in the lab went further to state that the average potencies were close to 20% THC.

Tetrahydrocannabinol is the main psychoactive compound contained in marijuana, which gives the feeling of being high. Andy LaFrate, who is the founder of the research facility, said it was surprising how strong potency of marijuana has been adding that, during the research, they come across potency values close to 30% THC, which is quite high.

Health Concerns
The new findings, compared to the 4% THC levels in 1980s is a dramatic increase. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, potency of pot has been on a steady rise over the last two decades but the new levels of 20 or 30% THC is the highest reported by the institute in the recent times. In 2012, the National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that weed confiscated by the authorities nationwide returned an average THC level of about 15%.

According to the agency, this high concentration level in marijuana can only mean increased chances of users suffering from severe and unpredictable reactions, especially in the new pot users. The frequent users on the other hand are likely to stand at great risks of addiction. The high potent marijuana has also been linked to the increased number of emergency room visits related to the use of marijuana.

In the illicit market, the high the THC concentration, the more expensive the weed is. It is unfortunate that regular user develop tolerance to THC which drives them to seek for a higher dose with higher THC levels to feel high.