Monday 29 February 2016

Marijuana mum smokes bong as it 'makes me a better parent' while reading cannabis storybook to toddler daughter

Moms of Marijuana also host dinner parties dubbed “Come Dine with Cannabis” with pot-laced chicken and mashed potato with a weed side-salad

A mum reads a storybook about cannabis to her young daughter after taking a hit from a bong and claiming smoking weed improves her parenting skills.
January Jones, a cannabis activist is seen in this video with her little girl - who looks about two-year-old - sitting on her lap, reading a book.
But it's no ordinary children's tale - called "It's Just a Plant", it's designed to teach youngsters all about the supposed benefits of cannabis.
January says she's open about her use of cannabis and uses the the book, by Ricardo Cortés, to educate her daughter about the drug.
YouTube / Barcroft TV Marijuana Moms in Beverly Hills
Controversial: January Jones reads the cannabis storybook to her daughter
And she claims it makes her a better parent.
She says: “With my early onset arthritis I wouldn’t even be able to pick up my daughter (without taking cannabis).”
YouTube / Barcroft TV Marijuana Moms in Beverly Hills
Education: The little girl is seen reading the storybook, designed to teach youngsters about cannabis
January is seen taking a huge hit from a bong outside her home in California, before adding: "Smoking cannabis helps me be a better mother.
"It makes me a more creative mum, a more relaxed mother."
Barcroft TV January Jones gets high smoking a bong
Arthritis: January Jones uses cannabis to control her medical issues
The shocking and provocative video focuses on a group of mothers in Beverley Hills who call themselves the Moms of Marijuana.
In the footage, they discuss their use of cannabis for medical reasons.
YouTube / Barcroft TV Marijuana Moms in Beverly Hills
Story time: The book, It's Just a Plant, was written and illustrated by Ricardo Cortés
Mum-of-two Cheryl Shuman, executive director of Moms of Marijuana, is seen hosting a weed-laced dinner party for her friends.
The event is dubbed “Come Dine with Cannabis”.
Barcroft TV 'Marijuana mums' group founder, Cheryl Shuman
Group founder: Cheryl Shuman began taking the drug after being diagnosed with cancer
Among the items on the menu are cannabis-infused chicken piccata, mashed potato with cannabutter and a weed-infused salad.
Read more: 'Stoner gene' determines how cannabis users are affected

Cheryl, who she began taking the drug when she was diagnosed with cancer, hosts the parties at her Downtown Beverley Hills home.

YouTube / Barcroft TV Marijuana Moms in Beverly Hills
Come Dine With Cannabis: Cheryl hosts weed-laced dinner parties for her pals

Referring to her cannabis use, she says: “It does make me a better mom. I’m calmer, I’m more rational, I’m not angry.”
She adds: “I would like to see it as normal as walking into a Starbucks.”
The women in the video say they suffer from medical conditions, such as arthritis, which allow them to buy and use cannabis legally.
In the upmarket area of Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, the drug is allowed for medical reasons.

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