Thursday 15 October 2015

National Cancer Institute Admits that "Marijuana Kills Cancer"

An Initiative To Legalize Marijuana In California To Appear On Nov. Ballot
BERKELEY, CA - MARCH 25: A one-ounce bag of medicinal marijuana is displayed at the Berkeley Patients Group March 25, 2010 in Berkeley, California. California Secretary of State Debra Bowen certified a ballot initiative late yesterday to legalize the possession and sale of marijuana in the State of California after proponents of the measure submitted over 690,000 signatures. The measure will appear on the November 2 general election ballot. (Photo : Justin Sullivan / Staff) 
By abbie uychiat
Over the years, medical marijuana legalization has been a long battle. Just this year however, FDA admitted that THC, an active ingredient in marijuana has the capability to kill cancer cells. FDA's admission is a stepping stone that paved way for the possibilities in increasing the studies in regards to this subject.

Just this month, The Stoners Cookbook then reported that The National Cancer Institute stated that marijuana can indeed "kill cancer cells". It's already been a known fact that pot can relieve symptoms of numerous chronic illnesses. Using medical marijuana in treating cancer however can be a game changer.
Medical marijuana can help relieve nausea, can improve sleep and even relieve pain.
The National Cancer Institute posted the following facts on their website after conducting a 2 year research. The researchers have been giving various doses of THC to a group or rats and mice via tube feeding. Several tests were also done for a variety of cancerous cells. As a result of their research, the group discovered the following facts:
  • Cannabinoids mayreduce tumor growth by causing cell death, blocking cell growth, and blocking the development of blood vessels needed to grow tumors.
  • Lab tests on animals have shown that cannabinoids may be able tokill cancer cells while protecting normal cells.
  • Cannabinoids may protect against inflammation of the colon and may have potential in reducing the risk of colon cancer, and possibly in its treatment.
  • A laboratory study of THC in liver cancer
  • cells showed it damaged or killed the cancer cells.
  • The same study of THC in models of liver cancer showed that it had anti-tumor effects.
  • CBD may make chemotherapy more effective
Marijuana has several chemical components which is called cannabinoids. These components are responsible in inducing medicinal properties which affects both the central nervous system and the immune system.

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