Monday 22 June 2015

White House Opens Door For Marijuana Research

White House Opens Door For Marijuana Research
White House Opens Door For Marijuana Research
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The White House has eliminated the Public Health Service review when it comes to schedule 1 drugs. At least in the case of marijuana research. This opens up so many avenues that researchers can finally use to look into the benefits of marijuana concerning certain diseases. This major decision was just not wanted by the White House but also from republicans so it is easy to say that on this there was bi-partisan support.

For many years, going back to 1999, there has been a cry for help when it comes to marijuana research. The government instituted the Public Health Service review that year and it drove many away from looking into the benefits of marijuana. This idea that marijuana was beneficial to patients with certain diseases possibly goes back to patent #6630507 that the United States government took out on medical marijuana going back almost 40 years. Yes, that's right, the government has known all along that marijuana had medical benefits.

The federal government has for some time had good intentions about medical marijuana but it wasn't until the individual states started to legalize medical marijuana that they started to take action. The citizens of the United States are speaking for marijuana and our government is slowly listening.

The steps taken today will open up research that will prove or disprove the usefulness of medical marijuana. This is why both Republicans and Democrats wanted today to happen. Marijuana is not going to be the cure all for most diseases but it will benefit some people who are fighting say Cancer or Aids. Marijuana will be able to help children who fight seizures due to epilepsy.

This step by the White House will open the door to more research but it will take time for any and all results to come in whether marijuana is a benefit to fight certain diseases. For information on the status of the legalization of medical marijuana in the State of Florida please go to and United For Care.

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