Friday 12 June 2015

Legalize Medical Marijuana Nationally

Legalize Medical Marijuana Nationally
Legalize Medical Marijuana Nationally
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The time has come for the United States government to stand up and say it was wrong. You see decades ago the government took out patent #6630507 which states that they have known that medical marijuana has benefits. They have known that it helps children with epileptic seizures at least live a better life. It doesn't cure but it does cut the seizures down to nothing. What's even worse is that it has no THC content. It's called Charlotte's Web and is legal in some states but not others. Florida made it law last year but has yet to get it on the market.

States like Colorado and Washington have gone as far as to legalize recreational marijuana and are reaping the profits from doing so. They have been able to enjoy a drop in their crime rate. Washington D.C. and Alaska have gone as far as to decriminalize it and allow their citizens to enjoy the freedom of smoking marijuana legally.

There are some 24 states that have legalized medical marijuana and some of those are looking at Colorado and thinking of selling recreational marijuana. If this is the case then why are we simply nickle and diming this issue. Why won't our government simply just legalize medical marijuana? Agencies like the DEA believe that if they legalize medical marijuana that it might put them out of business. It's not like they have been doing all that great at stopping marijuana from coming into the United States.

Another reason that some don't want marijuana legalized is the pharmaceutical industry. They fear the loss of money that would happen if people went to pot rather than their bogus pills. You see medical marijuana is better for people suffering from cancer or aids. It helps with the nausea that occurs especially after chemotherapy treatments. The pill pushers make big time money off their bogus medicine. But it seems pot works better than the pills.

So in general what is it going to take for the United States Government to get on board with its citizens. Many are in favor of legalized medical marijuana and maybe it's time to stand up and be heard. Maybe it's time for the citizens of this great country to finally say enough is enough and stop wasting our taxpayer money and legalize medical marijuana. For information on the status of the legalization of medical marijuana in the State of Florida please go to and United For

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