Thursday 11 April 2019

Marijuana or tobacco: What’s better according to science?

Smoking Pot Vs. Tobacco: What Science Says About Lighting Up
Marijuana has recently become legal in many more states. This is because of the government considering it less harmful than tobacco. However, this is against the biggest health success in the country. That is curbing smoking cigarette.

There is not much difference in smoking either of the two. This is especially after the fact that smoking is dangerous for health. It is the major reason for lung cancer.

People in support or against it?

Republican Peter Koo has even questioned this legalization. He says that why should marijuana be made legal. This is because they are trying to stop the public from smoking.

However, there are also people who advocate smoking marijuana. They say that there isn’t any comparison between smoking marijuana and tobacco.
There was also a study conducted on the same. According to the study, smoking marijuana is less risky. This is in comparison to tobacco cigarettes.

Cigarette smoking has been the top cause of preventable death in US.

Smoking Pot Vs. Tobacco
Smoking cigarette is a major reason for lung cancer
Source: WCPO

Marijuana or tobacco- Smoking which is better?

Marijuana is considered to have some health benefits. The major one being easing of chronic pain. Moreover, the intake of marijuana is possible without smoking.

However, tobacco smoking is the top risk factor for health. This is majorly for lung cancer. Moreover, cigarette smoking is also a major cause of heart diseases.

But, the studies are not clear about the same for marijuana. They cannot certify whether it causes heart attacks or strokes or not.

Smoking Pot or Marijuana vs Tobacco
Marijuana has health benefits associated with it
Source: Toronto Star

Negative effects of marijuana

According to another study, smoking marijuana is bad for health. It can cause severe coughs.

Moreover, chronic bronchitis is also caused by it.

This drug is also associated with developing schizophrenia. Moreover, the use of one supports the other. This means that if one smokes tobacco then the person will smoke marijuana. This is also true vice versa.

And while smoking marijuana is less likely to cause lung cancer but this does not mean that it gets a clean chit.

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