Friday 15 June 2018

Decriminalize marijuana at federal level

The Editorial Board

About 64 percent of all Americans — 207 million of the nation’s 325 million people — live in states where marijuana is legal for prescribed medical use, and about 20 percent live in states where it also is legal for recreational use.

Yet at the federal level, marijuana remains illegal for any use as a Schedule I controlled substance.

That contradiction is harmful to individuals who legally use marijuana under their state’s laws. It also harms the economies of those states because pot’s illegal status at the federal level makes it difficult for the industry to use federally regulated financial institutions to conduct business.

The Obama administration had a policy not to interfere in states that legalized pot, other than against illegal distributors or others who violate the state laws.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has rescinded that policy and has vowed to aggressively enforce federal marijuana laws regardless of the laws in the 29 states that have approved medicinal use of marijuana and the five that also have approved it for recreational use.

A recent Supreme Court ruling on state sanctioned sports betting raises a question as to whether Sessions can pursue his anti-pot agenda. The court ruled that the federal government may not dictate to states what they may not do, striking the federal law that had proscribed states from approving sports betting. If the federal government cannot command states not to legalize sports betting, it seems likely that it can’t command them not to legalize and regulate marijuana use. The federal law has not yet been challenged on those grounds.

Meanwhile, bills in both House of Congress approach the bill from another direction. A bipartisan House bill would prevent federal prosecution of anyone for pot use that complies with the relevant state law. Other bills go further, removing marijuana from the federal illegal drug schedule, reversing convictions for personal use or possession and even providing job-training funds for workers in the rapidly expanding legal pot industry.

Whatever the mechanism, Congress at least should decriminalize pot in states that decide to do so.

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