Friday 23 February 2018

'The UK needs to overturn illogical laws and legalise cannabis'

Nawaz says legislation is "outdated" as a mother urges the Government to allow her six-year-old son to be treated with the drug.

Maajid Nawaz is calling for the legalisation of cannabis
Image: Maajid Nawaz is calling for the legalisation of cannabis
Cannabis needs to be legalised in the UK for both medicinal and recreational use to help the sick and undercut criminal gangs, writes The Pledge panellist Maajid Nawaz.

One of the most illogical and outdated pieces of British law that currently exists is the ban on cannabis.

Now, a mother is urging the Government to allow her six-year-old son to be treated with the drug for a rare form of epilepsy.

Alfie Dingley suffers up to 30 fits a day. But his seizures were cut in number and severity when he was treated with cannabis oil in the Netherlands.

Undated family handout photo issued by Maggie Deacon of Alfie Dingley, MPs have called on the Home Secretary to issue a medical cannabis licence to the six-year-old whose rare form of epilepsy improves after taking the drug
Image: Alfie Dingley's use of medical cannabis treatment is said to ease his seizures
But ridiculously, his mum faces a 14-year jail sentence if she gives Alfie the oil in Britain.
What is this poor mother to do?

The war on drugs has failed.

It's time to legalise cannabis - for medicinal purposes but also for recreational use. It will help the sick, raise taxes, undercut criminal gangs and keep people safe.

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