Tuesday 31 October 2017

Research Scientist Sees Pre-Clinical Evidence That "Cannabis Kills Breast Cancer Cells"

NBA Legend praises medical marijuana this weekend on banned TV show Cannabis Planet

by Cannabis Planet 
NBA Legend John Salley will speak out on the benefits of the cannabis plant and Dr. Christina Sanchez, a molecular biologist (Complutense University – Madrid, Spain), discusses her pre-clinical research on the cancer killing and anti-tumoral properties of cannabis this weekend on the educational television program Cannabis Planet.
John Salley is only one of two athletes to have played on an NBA Championship team in three-decades, he has been a proponent of cannabis since he first was introduced to the plant at the end of his playing career. "After I tried cannabis, all of a sudden my joints didn't ache, my back didn't hurt, I could stretch, the pain went away," claims Salley, the former Piston star.

Dr. Christina Sanchez and Dr. Manuel Guzman have done some cutting edge research on cannabinoids as potential anti-tumoral agents in breast cancer from their laboratory in Madrid, Spain.

"We have seen cancer cells being killed in our petri dishes, with the healthy cells remaining intact," stated Dr. Sanchez.

Cannabis Planet is an educational television program about the benefits of marijuana, they bring their message of food, fuel, fiber and medicine into millions of TV households weekly across the U.S. The thirty-minute program airs every weekend in Prime Time on independent stations across the country.  (Listings available at: www.cannabisplanet.com/find-us-on-tv/)

Weekly features include Cannabis cooking with Chef Mike Delao, Hemp Facts with newscaster Pat Finerty and the "Higher Perspective", an esoteric look at the plant from comedian Ngaio Bealum and a musical guest.

Banned by the major satellite services, Cannabis Planet still reaches their viewership via independent, full-power transmission stations whose signals are "must-carry" to all television services within each specific market.  Every week, the show broadcasts in Los Angeles (KJLA), Chicago (WOCK), Philadelphia (WACP), Washington D.C. (WMDE), & Palm Beach (WHDT).

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