Monday 19 June 2017

Forget marijuana; it’s meth that’s the problem

Susan Schmale, Sanger

I just heard Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer on the news discussing our gang problem, killings and crime in Fresno. He then mentioned marijuana as the drug gangs use. That might be true, but why do we rarely hear about the huge methamphetamine problem in Fresno from Chief Dyer, Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims and the local media?

Methamphetamine is being imported, made and sold widely in Fresno and surrounding areas. It is sucking the life out of our communities. Methamphetamine is the problem, not marijuana, which is legal in California. Apparently it’s easier to advertise “cracking down on crime” by using our tax dollars to bust growers/dealers of this legal plant.

Medical marijuana is highly controlled, regulated and certified for many uses, one being pain. It certainly is much better than highly addictive opiate drugs, now responsible for another huge problem in our entire country.

Why don’t our leaders actually visit cities with legal dispensaries? They would also see how the much needed tax revenue for marijuana sales is helping many communities. Fresno has areas of the highest poverty in the country. We need the money!

Unfortunately, Fresno continues to take one step forward and two steps back. This is unforgivable!

Read more here:

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