Wednesday 3 May 2017

Expert talks about effects of marijuana on the brain

HERKIMER — A chemical dependency expert speaking at Herkimer College on Tuesday said students interested in achieving their goals should stay away from drugs, including marijuana.

“If you want to have academic success, [and] learn fluently ... the best bet is to not put anything in the brain to detract from that,” said Michael Nerney, before giving his presentation, “Effects of Marijuana on the Brain.”

Nerney, who said he’s given the presentation many times, said marijuana can impact memory, problem solving, time management and motivation.

He also noted there is a difference between medicinal marijuana use and recreational marijuana use.

“A doctor [is going to say] ‘take this at night and don’t drive,’” he said.

The college hosted the event as part of its Alcohol Awareness Month programs in April.

Wendy Marchese, a Herkimer College counselor, said the lecture was originally scheduled for some time in April, but had to be postponed until Tuesday.

“We try to do everything we can with prevention education [for] all types of substances, and include as much information as we can for education in the student population,” she said.

Students and members of the general public attended the free lecture.

Nerney covered the many factors that can influence the brain, including the elements of cognitive function such as genetics, nutrition and sleep.

His presentation also included what brain studies have shown, including the language skills that can be picked up by an 8-month old baby

Nerney also discussed the impact chemicals have on the brain, diseases that can come from drug use and the sort of emotions it can cause.

“You start using drugs, too much dopamine is released ... [it] changes the brain,” he said.

Material was available outside of Room 288 in the Robert McLaughlin College Center, where the lecture was held, about counseling services available at the college, as well as other resources for those in need of assistance throughout Herkimer County.

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