Wednesday 22 March 2017

High Pesticide Level In Oregon Store's Marijuana Prompts Recall

by Eric Mortenson

The Oregon Liquor Control Commission issued its first recall of recreational marijuana after testing of a brand sold at a Mapleton, Oregon, store showed it contained a level of pesticide residue that exceeds the state limit.

The OLCC, which oversees retail sales of recreational cannabis, said samples of Blue Magoo marijuana failed a test for pyrethin levels. Pyrethins are a mixture of six chemicals that are toxic to insects, according to the National Pesticide Information Center based at Oregon State University.

Pyrethins are found in some chrysanthemum flowers, and in some cases can be used on organic products.

The recall points out some of the complications that accompany the legalization of recreational cannabis. Growers, like all other agricultural producers, now face a regulatory structure they may not have dealt with before.

Pesticide use has been particularly thorny because the federal government still considers cannabis illegal and has not established allowable tolerances of pesticides in cannabis. As a result, states that have legalized marijuana are figuring it out themselves. Oregon tests cannabis for 59 active ingredients.

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